Colonel Letterman walked down a hall way to his office, and was not happy at all. Behind him were two men, one from the military science wing, and the other from NAIL. "How did this happen?" Letterman said in and aggravated and annoyed tone. "How did such a volatile and [i]Top Secret[/i] bio enhancing agent get into public hands?" "NAIL thought it would be better to keep the shipment of this item low profile." The NAIL agent said. "So we shpped in via civilian transport and stored it in a bank vault between movements." "HA!" Letterman laughed. "Who's idea was that because, might I say, it is shit show that someone has to now clean up for them." The group walked past a desk where a secretary sat and look up at the group briefly as they passed into Col. Letterman's office. "Take a seat." He said to the two men as he walked behind his desk. "Now, Dr.Hunter, What is it that we can expect to see from this?" "Well," the scientist began a little nervous. "An extreme spike in all physical abilities, but the testing is not finished. We have yet to see its full affects on the other parts of the body." "This is even better!" Col. Letterman exclaimed even more annoyed than before. "NAIL thought it was a great idea to ship and store an experimental bio weapon domestically." The NAIL agent was about to speak. "Shut it!" Letterman said before the agent could say anything. "How long do the effects last doctor?" The NAIL agent was not looking very happy at this point, but remained silent. "The time can vary from a few hours to days, and in [i]very[/i] few cases it has been a permanent change." At this response Col. Letterman stared at the NAIL agent. "We are handling it." The NAIL agent said calmly. "I hope so!" Col. Letterman said as he stared bullets at the agent. "Remeber what happened last time NAIL said I had to clean up a mess of yours?" The doctor looked slightly puzzled at the NAIL agent who was shifting uncomfortably in his chair. "Yes, I terminated the target you wanted to bring in, and left it hanging around your neck!" Col. Letterman was not cutting this agent any slack, and it was now clear that that the reason was due to past experiences. "Luck for you I have known about this and never trusted it from the start. That is why I have had Over Watch tailing it." The agent's eye opened wide. "How did you- How did we not-" "I have the authority to observe, but not intervene with, any mission that I see fit. That means even ones I am not supposed to know of. You can leave until you have more news from your superiors." The agent's jaw almost dropped. After standing and straightening his suite he took his leave. "And what about me?" Dr.Hunter asked after the agent left. "You can stay." Col. Letterman said as he pick up a remote and pressed a button. This causes a cabinet to open with five screens inside. four were what seemed like the perspective of people while the fifth had yet to turn on. "Consider this lesson one in domestic testing of your drug."