Kiera could have interjected at any number of points in the argument between the two women but had decided against it, instead watching the back and forth as if in the audience of a zero-G tennis match. [colour=violet]“Ah, such an eloquent argument, almost Shakespearean in its intricacies,”[/colour] Kiera said to herself in an overly relaxed and unconcerned manner. Instead of trying to intercede she instead turned to the doctor. [colour=violet]“And how are you today Doctor? If you don’t mind could you give my host the once over when you’re not busy. She’s a little sluggish today, a vitamin deficiency I think,”[/colour] she said conversationally, unfazed by the now heated confrontation between Kal and Annalynn. In the spirit of diplomacy Kiera waited until both of them left before voicing her own opinion on the matter. [colour=violet]“Kal was a little harsh but she’s not entirely wrong. We can’t run this ship like a democracy. When push comes to shove we need who’s in charge, whose making the decisions. Basically, we a captain. I don’t necessarily think that should be Kal of course. She can be a little…stubborn,”[/colour] Kiera said in a perfectly neutral tone of voice as she spoke so as not to imply any insult where it was not intended.