[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/AmazingSpider-Man_zpsa31f5c36.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Peter Parker[/b][/center] Peter dashed forward toward the techno-organic monster, side-stepping any of its attempts to blast him with its energy bolts. Utilizing his amazing agility, Peter closed the gap between the two combatants and grasped the creature’s horns. In one, fluid motion, Peter leaped over the “Triceratops” and flipped it over his own head, slamming it into the ground. “Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!” Peter waved his hands in the air as he tried to blow on them through his mask. However, immediately after slamming the creature to the ground, Peter began to regret it because the energy from its horns had heated those projections up, burning Peter’s hands while he was tossing the monster to the ground. The only solace that Peter had was that his hands were not burned as badly as what would have happened if anyone else had touched them. By tomorrow morning, they would be all healed up, as if nothing had happened to them. ‘Killer Unicorn’, as it called itself, stumbled back to its feet. Although it was obvious by its attempt to regain it balance that Peter’s latest attack was at least successful, the fact that the monster had not yielded was not the result that Peter hoped for. What else could he do against this thing? Beat it down to submission? But that would probably cause more collateral damage than was worth for defeating this creature. Suddenly, Peter’s Spider-Sense began to buzz, alerting him to something approaching in his general direct. However, Peter knew that could not be coming from the metallic cretaceous dinosaur that had resisted all his attacks. There was a swooshing noise filling the air and then two THUNK’s sounded when two purple arrows collided with the torso of the bipedal prehistoric creature. A third arrow struck the ground next to Peter. However, this arrow was attached to a long coil. Down from this coil came down two costumed character: one decked-out in purple while the other in white and navy. “Tick, Tick, Boom.” The man in purple said. Right after he said ‘boom’, the two arrows that were lodged into the chest of the beast imploded, creating a giant explosion that enveloped the bizarre triceratops. After the explosion, a cloud of dust swirled around the impact site, inhibiting any attempt to see what was the result of those explosive arrows. “Man, I always wanted to use those arrows!” “Did you just [b]BLOW UP[/b] that thing?” Peter exclaimed, placing the palms of his hands on the top of his head, showing his shock at what had just happened. While Peter had been trying to knock the thing out, he had no intent of killing it! “No, I just put up a giant light show.” The man rolled his eyes at Peter. “Anyways, that thing is [i]definitely[/i] not human, so what’s the problem.” Another buzz alerted Peter to yet another incoming projectile that was heading straight towards the three of them. Instinctively, Peter dove to the side, pulling the two newcomers along with him so that they would not be struck by whatever was coming towards them. From outside the cloud of dirt, that was at that moment starting to dissipate, two laser blasts departed. Fortunately, Peter had already got the two costumed characters out of the way. “I think all you did was make it angrier!” [hr] [center][b]The Brand Corporation[/b][/center] The Brand Corporation was one of the science-focused branches of the Roxxon Corporation, which was a conglomerate business that expanded into numerous fields: energy, pharmaceuticals, you name, they probably has investments in a portion of that market. Herbert Landon, the founder of the Brand Corporation, who was allowed to remain in a position of control once Roxxon absorbed his company, strolled through the plant that was located in Queens. However, once he heard his pager going off, he excused himself and ducked away into his office. Once he was seated, he turned on his computer. On the monitor was head of the Manfredi crime family, Silvio Manfredi, better known as Silvermane. This aged crime-boss was once one of the most influential members of the Maggia. However, due to his growing age and a past imprisonment, Silvermane’s influence has slipped significantly, especially with the rise of the Kingpin of Crime. While Silvermane was able to regain some turf from the relatively recent criminal civil war started by the man known as the Rose, Silvermane knew that his age was becoming a detriment to his job. “Landon, what is the progress of Project Fountain of Youth?” Silvermane had been seeking a means to rejuvenate his withering bones so that he might be able to indefinitely hold a place of influence in the Maggia. “The results are incredibly promising.” Landon’s tone hinted at that there was going to be a ‘but’ to his good news and Silvermane picked up on that cue instantly. The mob-boss furrowed his brow as he awaited the ‘bad news. “While we have been able to replicate the enhanced super-human physiology and rapid healing factor, we unfortunately have run into a snag. We have found physical deformity to be a side effect of the treatments.” Disappointment quickly overtook SIlvermane’s face. Was he not providing him enough resources to get this breakthrough drug perfected, under the nose of the Roxxon Corporation, which was also not known for always having the most legitimate business investments. However, Landon had one last ace up his sleeve. “We found something else during trials. The formula that I have developed seems to be corrosive toward the so-called ‘X-gene’. If tension rises anymore about the ‘mutant question’, we might be able to take advantage of such a situation. We could offer it as a ‘cure’ for being a so-called ‘mutant’ and when people start to mysteriously dying, people will turn a blind eye due to the tension. A toothy smile appeared on Silvermane’s face once he heard this news. “Keep me updated.”