[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/exRz3un.png?1[/img][/center] [hr] [color=a0410d][center][h1]///The Light///[/h1][/center][/color] [color=a0410d][center][b]Monday, 1 February, 2016[/b][/center][/color] [hr] [i]How do you destroy them? These [b]Gods[/b] that roam the Earth... that claim to protect it? That bask in the glory of heroism, as they destroy more than they create? That have been gifted with glorious powers, but use them for only personal gain? Listen closely, my brothers… For this is how the Justice League dies. We will corrupt those who are closest to them. Destroy those who follow them. Everything that was ever important to them will be torn away. Their cities will turn against them… followed by the world. Betrayal will shake them to their core. And once we have taken everyone, and everything they value… They will tear themselves apart. [/i] [i]Let the games begin.[/i]