[img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/1d8013172c67deab8bbf6971fb6e3f5c/tumblr_moyk9eamIm1qd9ql4o1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Raymond Wilson Jr. [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Occupation:[/b] Dinosaur Researcher and Behavioral Specialist [b]Personality:[/b] Raymond is kind and naive sometimes. He's very trusting and that could be a problem for him. He could be almost easily tricked despite how smart he is. He also cares a lot for the animals and even cares about them as much as he cares about himself. He hates when they're not taken care of would argue down someone who would even think about treating them poorly or using them for their own personal gain. That's one of the rare times when you would see him angry. He's the type to fight for anything he believes in and fight to protect those that he cares about even if the odds are against him. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Science:[/b] Raymond is a genius when it comes to science. He's studied in many different fields and despite his rather young age has a doctorate in Organismal Biology. He still plans to achieve more in many fields of science. He also has some experience in genetics having interned under his father before Jurassic World closed. [*] [b]Tracking:[/b] Due to working so closely with hunter animals he's picked up skills when it comes to tracking. He even spent some summers in the savannas of Africa. [*] [b]Animal Behavior:[/b] Due to working so closely with animals he's been able to understand most of their behavioral patterns and instincts. [/list] [b]Frailties:[/b] [b]Lack of Athleticism:[/b] Raymond can lift carry things, but he's not really the athletic type. He was the bookworm growing up and wasn't the type to excel in gym class. [b]Backstory:[/b] Raymond grew up a science filled life. Ever since he was a little boy he always loved dinosaurs and science. His father was one of the original geneticists of Jurassic Park working for InGen. He worked alongside Dr. Henry Wu and escaped the Park during the storm evacuation. He continued working with Dr. Wu after the the deconstruction of Jurassic Park and even helped him create the first hybrid plant. Raymond always looked up to his father and wanted to be almost like him when he grew up. He studied hard in school and was even able to skip a grade or two along the way. His father spent most of the time away on research, but they always kept in touch. Raymond majored in Biology when he got to College and while doing so worked part-time as a zookeeper for his local zoo. It was there that he got most of his beginning experience with animals. He always felt a bigger connection between them and humans. He just never quite understood what that connection was. He spent some of his summers in Africa trying to study animals in their natural habitat. It helped him understand them more than he would have by just seeing them in captivity. After getting his doctorate in Organismal Biology he interned at Jurassic World. He shadowed and helped his father with the genetics in the lab and also spent a lot of time shadowing trainers like Owen. He was on the island when the incident happened and did the best he could to keep his father and others safe. When InGen decided to re-open Jurassic World he went along with his father and this time as an actual employee. He was even in the labs when one of the new Velociraptors hatched. He was the first thing that the raptor saw and she imprinted on him thinking he was her father or mother. He named her Chicklet with the nickname, Chickie. Since she refuses to be away from him for too long he was allowed by InGen to keep her and train her until she grows bigger and needs to be placed with the others. [b]Former experience with Jurassic Park/World:[/b] Interned at Jurassic World