Ferghus, after sending his Arma Igna into the world, had chosen to reside in his forge, only creating what he could in his forge. The walls, the racks, even the tables were filled with tools, weapons, and armor. Of course, there were pieces that he was not satisfied with and chose to improve them, or, when it no longer interested him, discard them. Life went on for the ruggedly handsome blacksmith. However, there came a time when Ferghus realized something: he was [i]bored[/i]. Yes, bored of his activity in the forge. He had explored much of his ability, and knew he still had more to do, but it no longer interested him as much as it did when he first started. What was he to do? How could he relieve his boredom? He ponder long and hard, but to no avail. There was nothing to inspire him within his forge. Within his forge.... hmm, an idea came to Ferghus. His forge was his domain, but that was the problem: it was too familiar now. Ferghus needed to explore and find works of inspiration in the outside world. For the first time in several years, which was not actually that long for a god, he exited his private domain and looked upon the planet Galbar. Of course, things had changed. The humans had grown more advanced, no doubt with help from his Arma Igna. The Dyun were facing extinction, which wasn't that much of an issue. Even new creatures of water-men or whatever they were called, no doubt a creation of Undasis', appeared. Of course, it wasn't just the sentient life that had changed; the planet itself seemed a bit more... [i]lively[/i], with more greenery than before, especially in the southern areas. Well, all of that was of little concern to him. Ferghus used a portion of his energy to power up. He needed some more power for things he had planned. He mentally checked the status of the ten Arma Igna, and found that only 1 of them were living with sentient life; 4 were not, 2 seemed to have perished, and the last 2 were somehow indeterminate. He would check on those last two when he had the chance; chances were one or more of the other gods had been toying with them. Ferghus then created an Avatar at the eastern edge of the continent, where the land and the sea met, then Ferghus forcibly teleported the 6 Arma Igna he could still sense. The Arma Igna were frozen for a brief second, seemingly confused as to what had happened, then knelt in front of Ferghus' Avatar upon spotting it. "[color=f7941d]Fiery one,[/color]" they all said in greeting. The Ferghus Avatar nodded, then asked, "[color=ed1c24]What news do you bring[/color]?" One of them, the first Arma Igna to be created, stood up and said, "[color=9e0b0f]I have made contact with a human named 'Zerabil'. I have taught him the ways of the forge, and he has spread that knowledge along with the knowledge of the other gods to his fellow humans. Many have chosen to accept you and become your follower. He has also seen fit to grant me the name of 'Rejys'.[/color]" Ferghus nodded in approval. "Not bad. Not bad at all," Ferghus remarked. He had not thought to give his Arma Igna names. Perhaps the humans could do that for him, though, if not the other sentient life on the planet. Ferghus then turned to the second Arma Igna to make contact. "[color=ed1c24]What about you? How has your journey been?[/color]" The second one stood up and reported, "[color=fff200]I too have made contact with a tribe of humans, the leader of which was a man named 'lalu'. I have taught them the ways of the forge as directed, but they chose to reject you in favor of their 'Mighty One', and banished me while keeping the teachings of the forge.[/color]" Ferghus' eyebrow then twitched. "[color=ed1c24]Oh really?[/color]" Ferghus said in mild annoyance. "[color=ed1c24]Perhaps I shall go and [i]visit[/i] this tribe when I have the chance.[/color]" Ferghus listened to the reports of the last Arma Igna, but their reports gave little to nothing of value. That was rather depressing. "[color=ed1c24]Thank you all for your time, now return to the land and resume the teachings of the forge.[/color]" Ferghus then pointed to the second one and said, "[color=ed1c24]You are staying with me for the time being. I must learn more about this tribe that has shown such disrespect.[/color]" Ferghus now returned his full attention to himself and decided that he needed to be a little bit more busy on this planet. Question was, how to do it? Ferghus thought for a minute or so, then had an idea. Focusing on the planet, he used his control over fire to melt the earth far beneath the surface of the planet, but not far enough to affect the Astral Home. Ferghus also made sure that the magma would not affect the Planet Cord. The magma, now creating pressure within the planet, created more than a few tremors around the planet for a brief moment before creating cracks on the inside of the earth. Fortunately, not all of those cracks actually reached all the way through to the surface, and most of them were on the ocean surface. Chances are, the mortals, and possibly even the other gods, would notice that. Oh well, what's done was done. To be oh so convenient, one of those cracks had appeared near Ferghus' Avatar. Ferghus returned his attention to his Avatar and teleported both it and the Arma Igna back. Now he willed the magma underneath the crack to rise, raising the earth to go with it. A strong tremor was felt, and even the Arma Igna could not maintain their footing. Fortunately, the tremor only lasted a few seconds, but within those few seconds, the first volcano, Mt. Vulcan, was born. Ferghus then hollowed out a portion of the volcano, creating a large room that Ferghus then teleported into. Within that room, Ferghus created a forge, much like the one within his own personal plane of existence. However, there were several differences, most notably that this forge harnessed both the power of the volcano and the water from the ocean. There were torches to illuminate the inside, as well as the tools he needed to work with. There was a clear path that led from the outside to the inside, with a door of metal barring the way. The forge was complete. Ferghus then teleported back outside to where the Arma Igna was waiting and commanded, "Now, tell me what you know about these humans." After a brief explanation of them, Ferghus then nodded and said, "Thank you. Now, go inside the forge and wait for further instructions." As the Arma Igna obeyed, Ferghus opened his palm and breathed a stream of fire into it, creating a small orb. Tossing it to Rejys, Ferghus explained, "[color=ed1c24]That will return you to the humans you were living with, Rejys. One use only, though.[/color]" "The rest of you, go out and search once more. If you happen to find sentient life, tell them that the first forge of the gods is here." All of them nodded and said, "[color=f26522]Fiery one,[/color]" then walked off. Rejys, however, smashed the teleportation orb onto the ground, engulfing himself in fire for a moment before disappearing. Ferghus teleported his Avatar back into Mt. Vulcan, then Ferghus himself went back into the Forge, where he examined his collection of work. There were things to see and people to do now. [hider=Meanwhile, Might and stuff] 6 Might spent to Level Up to 5. 1 Might spent creating an Avatar. 1 Free Point spent creating a 1-use teleportation orb. 2 Might spent creating Magma within the entire planet. 1 Might spent creating a volcano called Mt. Vulcan, and the forge within it. Might: 0 Free Points: 2 2 Arma Igna confirmed dead through unknown means. Volcano forge created. Business is now open. Cracks in the ocean floor, meaning water and magma are in contact. Undasis/Kraken may or may not be pleased. [/hider]