[color=gold][b]Name:[/b][/color] Echo AKA 'Elvis' [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/YuTz6RR.png[/img][/center][color=gold][b]Age:[/b][/color] 5 Years [color=gold][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=gold][b]Species:[/b][/color] Velociraptor antirrhopus nublarensis [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/MT5Nm8p.png[/img][/center] [color=gold][b]Personality:[/b][/color][indent]Echo is intelligent, but not as much as her packmates, with these trait she fell into the fourth place in the group hierarchy, behind Blue, Delta and Charlie. In her youth, she once battled Blue over control of the park's Velociraptor pack, but Blue was the victor and all Echo gained was a scar across her face. Her jaw became permanently offset from the battle. Due to her permanent sneer, some of the Jurassic World dinosaur handlers have nicknamed her "Elvis". After being grievously wounded in the battle against the I-Rex Echo has become withdrawn, sullen and moody, occasionally snapping at her packmates for seemingly no reason. While some of the researchers have suggested that she might be suffering lingering pain from the extensive burns covering her belly and neck, no studies have so far been undertaken to confirm this.[/indent] [color=gold][b]Backstory:[/b][/color][indent]Echo was recreated by InGen to live as an attraction of Masrani Global Corporation's dinosaur park 'Jurassic World' in 2010. When she was born Owen Grady imprinted on her, allowed him to train her. When she was young she and Blue fought for dominance over the park's Velociraptor pack with Blue being the victor, leaving Echo permanently scarred and relegated to the lowest position in the pack's hierarchy. When the Indominus Rex escaped Echo and her sisters were used to hunt the hybrid down. But during the hunt, she and her pack mates began to communicate with the hybrid who revealed to them that it had raptor DNA, after it took Owen's place as the Alpha, Echo and her packmates turned against the humans. Echo and the rest for her pack later caught up with Owen, Claire, and the Mitchell brothers in Main Street where she and her pack had a change of heart and side with Owen again. Soon after the Indominus Rex arrived, and Echo's pack and Owen decide to fight her. After being tossed into a barbecue restaurant's burners, suffering horrific burns to over 60% of her body, Echo's scent pattern was changed enough for Blue not to recognise her, and believing her dead she was left behind in the rubble after the battle. Luckily the restaurant was fully stocked with meat, which sustained Echo for several weeks as she slowly recovered from her wounds. Once the larder was emptied Echo was forced to head back out into the park to hunt, and soon ran into Blue and Delta, who had also survived the battle with the I-Rex. Following a tense stand-off, as the other two Raptors tried to make sense of their heavily scarred and now scent altered former pack mate, Echo was finally welcomed back into the group. Her time apart from the others had affected her though, making her moodier and more withdrawn, and her ill-feelings have often caused her to clash with her companions when not actively hunting.[/indent] [color=gold][b]Notes:[/b][/color][list][*]Due to her colouration and build Echo was at first believed to be male, but checks by the Jurassic World veterinary staff confirmed that she is indeed female.[/list] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/azlFUmi.gif[/img][/center]