[b][u]On board the Hunter's ship[/u][/b] Atlas, or his clone, you never really could tell sometimes, had been calmly standing in the plotting deck, watching the mayhem occur that was the Sun Dancer bringing their ship flying towards the ground. It hardly affected him, as he simply floated a few inches in the air with his wings to keep himself steady. He wasn't really scared, as he was used to being this high of altitude, and well, he could fly. Which was a lot more than most on the ship could say about the situation. Atlas watched as mercenaries scattered around the ship, getting shot at, milling to places like chickens with their heads cut off, sliding around the ship. It was actually quite amusing to watch. All awhile the "captain" of the ship was barking orders at people, looking like he wanted to stab something with those swords of his, falling and sliding around like the rest. But he barely said any words to him, maybe because he was the only one being productive and not in panic. Well, his counterpart was being productive, he was simply relaying info. [color=Crimson]"Alright, he's on board the ship. He's going to try to make it to Red Hood once things settle down on the piloting deck."[/color] Suddenly, Atlas caught an Oxidal running out onto the deck. She seemed to be messing with a piece of equipment, and soon a glowing blue shield revealed itself, shielding some of the mercenaries behind it. Which showed how good these mercenaries were... But the Oxidal was beginning to prove herself a little. Speaking of which, she had joined them on the piloting deck. [color=Crimson]"Flattering, Shara. And no, I don't get cold."[/color] Atlas mused, watching her lean against him casually. Shara was the only one he really minded on the ship. Despite not being much for combat, she had a head on her shoulders, and knew what she wanted and how to get it. A thing a trained assassin could admire. After the briefing he nodded, knowing exactly who and what she was talking about. He took the three items and kept them in his belt, but keeping one of them close at hand. It seemed that he had a task to do himself after all. [color=Crimson]"You know I aim to please."[/color] he said with a smirk, watching her head off toward the captain. Atlas took a few steps and looked out on the deck, just floating there a bit. It seemed there was an Ashan aboard the other ship, floating around deck. The little cherub looking guy seemed to be casting magic everywhere, more of a nuisance really. One that had to be dealt with. Noticing the gravity point and not quite sure if it was still functioning, he took an arc around it and towards the enemy Ashan. Once he was in range, and on the same deck, he called out to him. [color=Crimson]"Hey jackass, catch."[/color] he said, throwing a small sphere hurtling at him. In about a second it would explode into a brilliant ball of light and energy, enough to blow back and stun the frail Ashan. But in this amount of time, Atlas took it to swoop high and come from above him. He would have to choose; Worry about him, or the sphere. [b][u]Aboard the Sun Dancer[/u][/b] The other Atlas waited patiently in the closet, keeping quiet and listening to his surroundings. It was quite chaotic, things banging around, clashing, exploding. It sounded quite hectic out there. Whoever or whatever sounded very large and clunky, like a big metal brick, seemed to depart down the corridor. But before Atlas got out he got feedback from his counterpart, that the Ashan on deck was being dealt with. Good. It seemed like maybe the coast would be clear, and this would be an easy swoop in and swoop out. But that would just be too easy. Atlas heard a sort of growling, and he froze on the spot, looking around. It was some animal, and by the sound of it, it was getting closer. Footsteps too. [color=Crimson]Dammit he caught my scent[/color] he thought to himself, as he heard an arrow clunk against the frame. A female voice outside, telling him to come out with his hands up or be shot. Well, obviously he wasn't going to go out there where he was more likely to be shot by an arrow... Atlas looked around and spotted a cleaner of sorts, and an idea sprang up. He dumped the contents of the jug onto the floor, the smell of cleaning products filling the closet. It was almost intoxicating. Perfect. And there seemed to be no light in the room either, only a modest closet, large enough for maybe two mords to fit. But probably not comfortably. [color=Crimson]"How rude, I just wanted to clean around the ship. It seemed quite dirty, I can't believe they allow filthy animals... It's a surprise they let you in."[/color] he said snidely, before flying up to the ceiling and tucking himself away in the back corner, wrapping himself with his jet black wings. If she wanted him, she would have to spot him herself. Although that normally wasn't easy.