Cassius flaunted his Behemoth horns. "No 'mature' flaunts just anything [i]band-aid[/i]. But if you feel so insecure, maybe I [i]should stay behind[/i] since my so called [i]superior[/i] thinks I should stay... How about that? Perhaps you'll company will fair less burned man... or is that a risk you're willing to take? Will you put your comrades at risk...? Simply for bravado...? Or will you swallow your clear pride like anyone who is vouching a contract. I do fine hunting behemoths and making problems disappear. As far as I care, I need not prove anything to some man in bandages who lacks the balls to introduce himself... or did those get burned off?" He chuckled. "Either way, I am eager to hear your argument. Your insecurity fascinates me." Cassius smiled at how clearly flawed the man's logic was.