Name: Isaac Sinclair Belekov Alias: Muramasa Race: Half-demon Age: 22 Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Cosutume: (Though he has a hood and half face mask to cover all but his eyes) [IMG][/IMG] Master of the Sword and Omnivision: Isaac is a master of the blade and possessor of a power called Omnivision, granted by his demonic bloodline, it gives him 360 degree vision of a fight and has allowed him to create his own Martial Arts style: The Omniblade style, using his vision to its fullest extent. Biography: Isaac was born to a middle-class Gotham mother, his father never being around his whole life left him rather angry about a lot of things, like why did he live him and his mom alone in such a harsh city? Didn’t he know what it was like here? He guessed not when he heard of his mother’s death not even six months after he moved to his own apartment. Then Dad came home, though he...Made it clear as to what he was. He was a demon who abandoned the vile lifestyle to live simply, or so he said. Either way, Isaac was now revealed to the truth, he was a half-breed. Soon he was on to the Guild of Assassins, where he learned the way of the Sword, and where his Omnivision surfaced. WIth training and focus he has become a deadly swordsman, even coining his own style as a new Martial Art. After a time he returned to Gotham, taking upon the mantle of Muramasa. A Sword of Justice in Gotham. A Blade of Unholy Retribution to those who harm the innocent. He is Muramasa. Stats of awesomely awesomeness: I.Q: 2 STR: 3 SPD: 4 ATK: 4 DEF: 3 HP: 12 Skills (Offensive): Furious Charge: A basic attack, used at a distance, to catch a ranged target quickly. Blade flurry: A series of quick, rapid strikes that don't od much alone, but strung together do some basic damage Exploit Opening: He spots an opening in his foes defense, and takes it planting a quick strike. Sleight of Hand: A feinting strike to trick a foe one way, then strike another. Skills (Defensive): Omnivision: Using his sight, he can see an attack coming from any angle and parry it. Agility: He can out-ninja the fool. Deflection: Uses a sword to parry an incoming attack.