Climbing back up the metal ladder, Brian blocked up the door and walked back over to his humble home. Packing all the shit he thought he'd find useful into his sleeping bag, away from sight. Taking a swig from his bottle and a bite from another bar, he saw that his shoe lace had escaped its knot on his right foot. Crouching down he tied the lace again, tightening the other and wiping off the dust and grime from the rim of his sweats. Standing once again, Brian was frozen for a moment before he ducked down again, pushing his back against a stone pillar. A zombie was only a few feet away from him, its flesh dripped back to him, deep growls and scratching nasal sniffs resonating from its body. Turning his head he peeked around, and saw that it was straying right. Quickly he grabbed his pistol from his hip and span round, aiming. Pulling the... Wait. Where was it? It was right there! SLAM. Right into his back, he toppled over and the zombie fell on top of him, its momentum pushing it across the floor. Both of them rose onto there feet once more. Brian raised his pistols, the zombie bared its teeth. Charging forward, its arms flayed and legs pumped with the need to feed, the zombie dove at Brian who rolled out of the way, closely missing the stone pillar and landing on his sleeping bag with a soft crunch. "Shit my stuff! You're going to pay for that. I accept heads." Brian took his spear from the floor and gripped it tightly in both arms, waiting for it to get closer again, as it did he charged forward himself and leapt off of his right foot, thrusting the blade up - it broke through into its jaw and he landed, and rolled. Suddenly the air became colder as it rushed past him, and his arms reached for grip as he fell, only just finding the edge of the building, he hung there above the precarious scaffolding. Managing to get an elbow up and onto safety, he saw the zombie walking towards him slowly, the blade going through the bottom of its jaw and into its mouth, the wooden pole scraping along the floor in front of him. He couldn't drop it was suicide, so he waited until it got closer so that he could grip it and pull it down, hopefully then he could climb up. It stood over him, glaring down into his eyes and dropped to its knees, the pole hanging over the ledge as Brian did. It opened its mouth and saliva dripped from its lips, it bit out at his hand. Pulling back his hand he grabbed the pole and pushed with all the power he could, the blade broke through into the brain and the zombie fell limply down, its head over the edge. Finding his way up awkwardly, he kicked the body from the roof and watched as it fell slowly to the ground far below, smashing a blue car as it landed hard on its roof.