The waves crashed against the sandy shore besides the huge ferry. They had docked on the Island of Nublar. It was a sight to behold. You could see the dark shape of the buildings of Jurassic World off in the distance. Well, some of them anyway. Between the docks and Jurassic World, there was the magnificent forest that held numerous prehistoric creatures. The large ferry was gently being pushed by the waves that lapped against it. On this ferry at the front of the bow, stood a woman. Her blonde hair being pushed back by the breeze that rolled off the land. She wore cargo pants and a black shirt. A brown bag hung of her back filled to the brim with essential dinosaur medicines. Julia Stiles, at twenty-six years of age had one of the most useless college degrees in the world. She had gone to four years of college to get a degree in Dinosauria Medicine. Another 4 years in an internship for Jurassic World, and she would have become a Health Technician at the park. Thanks to the damn Indominus Rex, she was working at an Under Armor store. Finally, a month ago a representative from InGen had come to her apartment and offered her, a very well paying expedition. Admittedly, Julia knew that it was a bad idea. Jurassic World had collapsed on itself like a house of cards. She had luckily gotten out of there without harm or fault, but she had lost good friends to pterodactyls. She had lost her boyfriend to the Indominus, he was on the stun and containment group. He didn’t make it out. For some insane reason, Julia was back. She loved the massive creatures. Yes; they were dangerous, yes; they would probably eat her if it came down to her, and yes; she might die on this trip. But if she had the chance to save a life in the process, it would be worth the whole miserable trip. Julia turned around and looked at the activity on the ferry. There was a silent but looking ready-to-kill Owen Grady, and Dr. White, a man that was an expert in genetics. This trip would be interesting, to say the least.