[@Genni] Upon hearing the voice of another woman right next to him, the former trainer's gaze averted the boat at all, and finally focused on the other. He instantly recognised her as being the daughter of the famous Chaos Theorist and former Jurassic Park opponent Ian Malcolm-- as he was already informed she would participate in the expidition as well --, but didn't comment on that. In fact, he didn't really care about anyone's fame on this godforsaken island. The dinosaurs wouldn't just stop munching on someone because they knew about their fame in any other lands, really. However, at the actual words of her, he once more glanced up at the sky. Narrowing his eyes a little, a grimace forming on his face, before taking in another deep breath. He was no expert with wheathers, but he could tell that this storm was clearly on it's way towards Isla Nublar. And towards the few humans on the island as well. He didn't want to get soaked through, but that obviously couldn't be avoided... Another sigh left the former U.S. soldier's throat, and she shrugged briefly, adjusting the belt of his backpack hung over the shoulder whose hand was not occupied with clutching at a sniper rifle. [color=82ca9d]"Seems like it,"[/color] he answered shortly, gaze returning to the young beautiful in front of him. He didn't even once glance back at the ferry itself. No real use in doing so, as people were either glaring ahead, or actually loading their stuff onto the island itself. Both things he didn't exactly want to join in, no matter that he had already done the first. [color=82ca9d]"I'd say we search for cover in one of those stupid hotels of the park. And if we're lucky, we won't get eaten in the first night. I've heard Karma can be a real bitch, though..."[/color] Since when had he become so cynical...?