[color=c99900]"Eee!"[/color] Squealed Henrietta with excitement as she watched the braziers burst into life around the chamber. [color=c99900]"BytheMakerbytheMakerbytheMaker! A real life, working Veilfire channelling system!"[/color] She continued, her voice high-pitched and almost ear shattering as it echoed around the stone walls. [color=c99900]"I've read about these thing, but I never, NEVER dreamt I'd get to actually see one for real... [sub]well, I don't dream anyway, but you get the point.[/sub]"[/color] Scuttling from one wall to the other, zigzagging across the room like some sort of rubber ball bouncing from surface to surface, Henrietta started to examine the braziers with her magnifying goggles, her hand pulling her sketch pad from her pack as she began to make rough and scribbled notes on the metalwork and the visible piping. It was clear they were a more recent fixture than the original stonework, but the layers of rust and grime still showed the magical lighting system was many centuries old. [color=c99900]"[sub]...if we could somehow channel the fire into some sort of ejection system...[/sub]"[/color] She was muttering to herself as she set her sketchpad aside and reached for her toolbelt, pulling out a large set of plyers and an even larger wrench. [color=c99900]"Don't mind me, I'll only be a few minutes,"[/color] She called back over her shoulder, hudging her headpiece to slip a higher strength magnifying lens into place as she leaned forwards to make a more detailed, intrusive examination of the magical masterpiece.