[center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/2a36044ff056abbf56c98ed4c8c4f04a/tumblr_inline_np43vulGOt1sm36i1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=Sienna][b]Name:[/b][/color] Carter Wilson, known more commonly as "The Gunslinger", or "The Wanderer" amongst other titles. [color=Sienna][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=Sienna][b]Race:[/b][/color] Human [color=Sienna][b]Age:[/b][/color] 39 [color=Sienna][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [img]http://www.thedailycrate.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/erron-black.jpg[/img] [color=Sienna][b]Height & Build:[/b][/color] Tall and broad-shouldered with skin like tanned leather, Carter stands at a good 5'11" and possesses a well-muscled, sinewy frame, though not overtly bulky or hefty; built like an endurance athlete. [color=Sienna][b]Strength:[/b][/color] 5 - Average Joe [color=Sienna][b]Perception:[/b][/color] 5 - Wary Trout [color=Sienna][b]Endurance:[/b][/color] 5 - Stain Resistant [color=Sienna][b]Charisma:[/b][/color] 3 - Creepy Undertaker [color=Sienna][b]Intelligence:[/b][/color] 6 - Gifted [color=Sienna][b]Agility:[/b][/color] 8 - Knife-Catcher [color=Sienna][b]Luck:[/b][/color] 8 - Leprechaun's Foot [color=Sienna][b]Main Skills:[/b][/color] Guns, Explosives, Unarmed [color=Sienna][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] Varmint Rifle & Fists [color=Sienna][b]Armour:[/b][/color] A heavily used set of US Army Combat Armor painted over a dull red with a rust-colored poncho draped over his shoulders as a sort of 'cape' and a Desperado Cowboy Hat with bullet holes along the brim. Perhaps Carter's most extraordinary feature is the strange leather mask or bandana he keeps wrapped around the lower-half of his face at almost all times, hiding semi-severe burn scars he received at some point in the past. [color=Sienna][b]Items:[/b][/color] 1 Bottle of Beer, 1 Black Coffee, 2 Stimpaks, and 1 Rad-X [color=Sienna][b]Pip-Boy(?):[/b][/color] Nope [color=Sienna][b]Character Special Item(s):[/b][/color] Carries a slightly worn harmonica and two bullets with names scratched into the casing (personal reasons) [color=Sienna][b]Caps:[/b][/color] 92[/center]