Lucinda looked at Celeuis and raised a brow, then just before the little girl ran of to the weapon rack, she picked the girl up and swirled her around. ''I am so gonna miss you little girl, be nice for your brother and make sure you train well so you will become just as strong as he is'' she said and then placed the little wolf in front of her own weapon rack and smiled. ''I'll promise you to come back and then I'll help you train if you want'' she said and then walked away. Of course she had been shocked when the little wolf had just told them to go on a date, it wasn't that easy.. She shook her head by the idea and looked at Shadow one more time. ''Good bye Sir, I'll keep you informed'' she said and then walked away, on her journey to the temple of the good masters. It would take her half a day to get there but she had to get a little injured before she could show up there. She thought of how to get injured while she left the base and simply fell over a rock that laid a few meters away from the base and was too surprised to break her fall and that gave her a idea.. If she just fell enough times, maybe bruise her legs and arms and get some abrasions would be more than enough and funny as it was.. She just had to be her reckless self.