[quote=@choraki] "Seems like it, I'd say we search for cover in one of those stupid hotels of the park. And if we're lucky, we won't get eaten in the first night. I've heard Karma can be a real bitch, though..." [/quote] Pointing over to the tramline set a short distance from the ferry terminal Kelly nodded her head in approval. [color=cc6600]"Do we have any engineers who could get that thing running again? It'd certainly speed up moving our gear inland, and the electric motor shouldn't spook the wildlife too much."[/color] To be honest Kelly had only joined the expedition at the last moment and for most of the sea journey had been in her cabin downloading as much information as she could from the InGen home servers back on the mainland. She'd barely stepped out to get food for herself when she'd needed it and hadn't made any friends with the other expeditioneers. Apart from Owen she didn't even know the names of half of the people bustling around her, and to be honest most of them weren't worth bothering to get to know. [@TheHunter] The porters and cargo handlers were looking up at the towering mountains looming over the dock, as if expecting a T-Rex, or even an I-Rex, to come bursting out of the treeline at any moment, and Kelly knew most of them would be back onboard the ship within the hour. Gazing over the crowd she spotted a couple of people she'd be interested in getting to know a little better, a cute blonde who looked a couple of years younger than Kelly was wearing cargo pants and a black shirt while struggling with the brown bag hanging off her back among them. [@choraki] Nudging Owen, her eyes never leaving the pretty girl in case she vanished into the crowd Kelly pointed over to her, trying to stay casual. [color=cc6600]"Who's that? Know anything about her?"[/color]