Mrs. Staffer reached under her seat for the map, keeping her eyes on the road, or rather on the fog since seeing through it was nearly impossible. She clicked on the flashing light, a beep going off with each flash. Josh stared out the window, his heart racing, surely he hadn't heard anything. Then Dylan asked him if he had. He gave his brother the tiniest of nods, looking past him at the fog as it thickened. "Unbelievable." Mrs. Staffer said, slowing down. "If it get's any thicker I'm going to have to stop. Sorry kids." Josh reached out, was pulled to touch the window. His hand placed on it next to his twin's. The glass felt icy cold against his sweating hands. He met Dylan's look, and mouthed, "What is going on?" The bus slowed even further, now going no faster than five miles per hour. Most of the students had their faces pressed to the glass, their breath fogging it up. No one spoke and the only noise the broke the silence was the click of the light flashing and the spinning of the engine.