Hugh smiled at Sana's comment. "I'm sure I've made a lot of friends!" His grin was as charismatic as ever. They came to a stand still at the wagon and Sana tied off his horse to the wagon. "It's alright if he stays tied up. He could use the rest from bearing my weight for so long." Hugh replied. Rodger the horse was proud and older, the perfect equine companion for Hugh. The horse put its head down and munched on the small amount of grass that grew up from the street. He ripped the grass from the ground, making a good amount of noise from his feasting. "A damn fine horse." Hugh muttered. Hugh, with the halfling still on his back, sat himself on the edge of the back of the wagon. "On another thought, I feel tired too." He attempted blinking away his sleepiness, to no avail. "I might actually have needed some of that stuff from the tavern." He said, to Sana. He was thinking of his pipe and tobacco as an alternative to stay awake. It sat in a saddle bag on his horse, but he would still require something to light it with.