"No," Maddox whined, "I feel dirty and gross." Rowan mumbled something under her breath that sounded like 'far from it,' earning a chuckle and a pat on the shoulder from her brother. "Well, you leave at noon, if you decide to accept," he shuffled to the exit, but just before he left he pointed out a basket of assorted items left on the table. "Those are for you. I managed to, uh.. Procure a few during my regulation duties." Midas was a trades manager. He did exactly what the job sounded like: managed traded items. Sometimes he'd find good things to "borrow" for himself or his little sister. In this case, Rowan pulled out of the basket several loaves. "Bread!" Maddox exclaimed happily. Only the higher ups got real bread. Rowan looked joyfully through the rest of the basket, finding butter and jam to go with the bread loaves. "I love him," she sighed fondly. Maddox chuckled, nodding even though he didn't fully understand. He'd never had a sibling, and though he considered Rowan his sister, she wasn't. He didn't truly have a family. At least, he never felt like he did. He pulled a shirt over his head and quickly changed his pants before joining her at the table. She was already cutting into a loaf. They ate in silence, both mulling over their afternoon task. Maddox still didn't see the problem, but Rowan was clearly perturbed. Work was a small relief; a distraction from what they would inevitably have to face. Rowan wandered the rows of root vegetables, harvesting what looked ripe and leaving what didn't. Buttons walked helpfully in front, holding the basket with her dexterous tail. Rowan wasn't big or strong enough to handle the blades necessary for cutting wheat, but Maddox was. Maddox was plenty big enough. The scythe hissed from side to side, small grunts coming up from deep within his chest as his muscles ached with the strain. Several times Rowan stopped to watch his back and biceps flex, a heat curling in her gut as he paused to brush his hair back out of his face and give her a big, silly grin, waving. God, she was hopeless. [i]Hopelessly in love.[/i] [@Miss Echo]