[center][h3]Invidia, the Liaison[/h3][/center] Foolish as it might have seemed to some, the outsider known as Invidia could pick an hour of the day that he most treasured. The light of day, to a being with such attuned eyesight, was nothing but blinding, and a beacon to illuminate behind the veil of secrecy beneath which all outsiders dwelt. Night, however, was more dangerous still, thanks to the merciless onslaught of the chaos god. Entities carved from fear whose only purpose was to bring terror and death stalked the night, and the gleam of Galbar's moon did not sufficiently illuminate the clutching shadows. Night also permeated the land with cold, a cruel chill that returned faint but painful memories of the Liaison's old life, before he had been named. Instead, Invidia favored most the hour of twilight, the orange skies and wispy clouds, a short period just between the radiance of day and the despair of night. It was a time that didn't quite fit into either, and so one that best suited those who didn't quite fit anywhere. And now, the hour of twilight shone down upon the Tabernacle's uppermost floor. Its only ceiling the vault of heaven, it was formed of a tiled expanse lined by pointy spires. Up here and alone, Invidia could sit in a wooden chair and open its eye to gaze upon the sun as it dipped below the horizon. The approach of a Communion monk, breaking the serene silence, gave Invidia ample time to conceal his eye beneath his robes. Turning his masked, faceless head upon the newcomer, he asked, [i]“Good tidings?”[/i] The monk nodded her head. “Designations from the humans and Uri have agreed to meet, and we've received word that several humans of particular note, named Ialu and Zerabil, will be joining us as well. Before too much longer, the summit will begin.” Invidia rose from his seat and joined the monk as the two made their way downstairs. At the second floor, the outsider bid the woman farewell, and journeyed out into his solitary balcony where the shadow meetings were kept. Twenty minutes later, a dark shape dropped down onto the balcony next to him, and Invidia said, “Good twilight, brother. What n...!” The Liaison stumbled as a razor-sharp claw raked across his chest, slicing through cloth and almost raking a deadly furrow through his eye, had he not instinctively scrunched the lid shut. Bright, scarlet blood spattered across the stone. Surprised and hurt, Invidia fell back against the balcony, and shrieked in horror to see a six-eyed monstrosity leering at him. Paralyzed with fear, Invidia was unable to react in time to prevent his assailant from diving onto him, throwing him through the balcony railing and into free-fall. With a haunting howl, the creature leaped from the precipice after him. [i]”This beast went straight for me eye,”[/i] the outsider panicked, [i]”It has killed outsiders before, even in disguise!”[/i] Invidia smacked, hard, into the ground, one of its legs snapping off at the knee. He wailed, and sifted through his pockets until he found a reddened sponge. With only a moment to spare before the monster landed on him, Invidia popped the sponge, and new blood surged into his system. Just in time, the outsider rolled out of the way, and his attacker slammed into the ground. Invidia took quick stock of his surroundings. He'd landed in a garden courtyard behind the Tabernacle, and while there were no people around, there lay only a few dozen paces away another railing, this one protecting unwary walkers from a cliff edge and a far more deadly drop. Invidia hadn't much more time to think, however, as the black creature lunged for him. It screamed when its claws were sheared through by a Dyun-bone axe, Invidia's own. It looked to where Invidia's leg had been broken, and saw a new one, freshly regenerated. Maddened, it pounced again, but though it had six eyes, the outsider's one, blessed oculus saw far more clearly. With practiced efficacy, Invidia cleaved the creature's head, and the monster fell still, snarling, until it melted away into ink. In its place Invidia beheld an eye, much like an outsider's, but withered from disuse and corruption. Arranging his robes to hide his wound, Invidia looked upon the thing in shock. [i]”This...is one of my own people. An outsider...once. Not anymore. It is something different.”[/i] Hobbling to the fence, the Liaison leaned upon it, looked down at the human city below. [i]”Who knows how many more there are out there...we must be prepared.”[/i] That night, Invidia addressed the Sanguine Communion, and began the Cleansing—a hunt for the Secret Hunters, an endeavor to root out and rid the world of the nightmarish Anju threat. [b][center]-=-=-[/center][/b] Several days later, Invidia stood in the grand conference room, awaiting the arrival of the other faction leaders. Though his leg had yet to heal fully and necessitated the use of a cane, Invidia, masked and robed immaculately, was more hopeful than ever before. The forces of light and order were poised to convene and create an alliance to drive back the evil hordes amassing to tear everything to pieces. [i][center][u]Summary[/u] Khookies - 1 K spent to begin the Sanguin Communion's Cleansing of Anju – 10 K spent to rise to level 5 – 10 K remain Might – 6 MP spent to rise to level 5 – 2 MP remain Free – none used – 1 FP remains[/center][/i]