As the feasting continued, Pterrophos was approached again and again by his "unofficial" secretary, Lauent. She could barely go more than the distance back to her chair and then back to Pterrophos' ear whispering something that made his face look brighter and brighter each time she said whatever it was. In truth, the paper had spread and the two resident guild heroes were making a name for the guild. They had 12 new applicants, all high level. Some were fighters, some were just living in Aincrad. The guild would be at 75 members at the moment, had Laurent not stoop up again, this time she didn't even bother walking up to Pterrophos, but instead sent him a message. Pterrophos read it privately and smiled giving a nod of approval to his secretary. Pterrophos stood once more, clearing his throat loudly. "Everyone, everyone please. I know that this isn't much of a time for celebrating, but I have a surprise for you all. Especially you, Khârn, if you could please stand." He made his way over to the man, Laurent in tow. "If you could follow me for a moment? I'm sure you'll love this." He let out a giggle and shimmied his arms. Laurent had been tapping him throughout the walk, each tap meant a new member. they were at 75 total members if his math was right, and 46 were sitting in this room, considering the two who went scouting. He awaited Khârn's response before he would lead him to his surprise. There was still some talking going on but most were watching the two waiting for the surprise.