Eventually they were finally on the road towards their destination, Lux Mau. Selie’re didn’t get to ride with the cute looking moogle, but on other hand, her chocobo turned out to be quite the good partner. It was ‘[b]Kweh’[/b]-ing whenever she said anything to her in different intonations, as if it could understand her… and it most likely did… not to mention chocobos were so comfortable to ride… and fluffy cause of their feathers. [color=f6989d][b]"Hey! Look there, some people are laying on the ground!"[/b][/color] The arcana heard the moogle say and her nose twitched. She sensed the smell of blood in the air. Not to mention there was a lot of red at the place. As they approached Wallace approached and seemed to be casting libra on them. The blade dancer, quickly jumped from her chocobo and with some fast steps found herself next to Wallace and the corpses. She crouched to check the wounds better, her hands not leaving the handles of her swords.[color=ed1c24]” That’s not good… Whatever caused this was strong… and I mean quite strong. I advise to be alert.”[/color] She stated, taking a good look around the area. She went as far as concentrating on her trained hearing.[color=ed1c24]" Anyone of you recognizing the wounds?"[/color] She asked the people who were from Navire. She was quite well informed about the beasts around her country, but this was a continent away. There were different creatures here and she didn't recognize what left those wounds. After asking that, with one hand she drew one of her swords and with the other she touched one of the bodies to check the temperature of the closest body. She needed to check how long ago were those people killed.