[@Jambo1117] Whilst Owen was indeed actually very little caring about the wheather itself -- even though he would definitely hate being soaked wet --, the following comment of one of the soldiers did kind of catch his attention. His gaze wavering from the woman in front of him over to said soldier, who was just helping the others to unload their stuff. He didn't seem to be the most enthusiastic type of guy regarding the expedition, especially when considering his words, and the blond indeed couldn't help but snicker a little. Perhaps he was right. Maybe this all was just a trap set up for anyone potentially harmful for InGen to get them out of the way. And whilst that theory seemed somewhat conspiratorial and paranoid, Owen simply couldn't deny the probably hidden truth behind it; else InGen would have certainly paid more soldiers than this poor bunch of retired Marines... [color=82ca9d]"A man with true trust in InGen's work, [i]wow[/i],"[/color] he replied, and suddenly his mood seemed a little lightened. If he was correct with his assumptions -- although he didn't even know half of the names of these people, let alone any background information at all --, then this guy was at least as happy about InGen's plans as Owen was. Perhaps he wasn't the only one planning on not letting the company rebuild the park. He didn't really pay any attention to the [i]obvious scientist[/i] crossing their path, though. As already said, neither did Owen know any information about these guys, nor did he actually care. [@Genni] Kelly's question about the tramline, though, immediately returned the man's attention to her, as he momentarily followed her pointing and with his eyes. And upon seeing said tramline not far away from the docks, he shrugged his shoulders at her words once more. He was a skilled biker, and could probably mount a whole motorcycle within thirty minutes if he was provided the correct parts. But he was no real engineer, and therefore couldn't exactly tell if he would be capable of repairing a whole tramline. He could give it a try, though, he supposed, seeing as he did not exactly trust anyone else with it. Especially not the security guys. They seemed rather... [i]hot-headed[/i], anyways. [color=82ca9d]"I suppose I could take a look at it, but I'm not promising anything. You should set your mind to walking, really."[/color] He wasn't exactly keen on walking through the whole jungle himself, but there was hardly any other option. He knew about some scientists and security division's people already being on the island, though only in the area around the docks up towards the beginning tramline. To make sure that the expidition's people wouldn't immediately get chopped off the boat the second the ferry arrived. And he doubted that anyone of these guys knew how to repair a bloody [i]electric train[/i], else they would have already done it. No matter what, though, the all of sudden nudge of Kelly herself did kind of disturb his train of thoughts. And whilst he absolutely [i]despised [/i]being touched by anyone of these unfamiliar people, he bit back a snarky comment about it the second she heard her speaking. Gaze once more travelling towards the next direction of her saying, he spotted a blong woman, not too old, apparently struggling a little with her own equipment. For god's sake, why did InGen hire women on this mission again? Not to get him wrong, he definitely respected independent women in charge -- look at [i]Claire[/i], really --, but he was rather opposed to little blondies stumbling along in her high-heels, doing her best to catch up with rough, impolite military men. Even though she did appear somewhat familiar to him. But he simply couldn't get a grasp at her name... [color=82ca9d]"Is this a [i]dating [/i]mission?"[/color] he simply asked, brows furrowing a little irritated, as he once more glanced down at Kelly herself. He had of course noticed her checking him out. And now this. Then, he arched a brow at her. He just couldn't deny himself a small smirk. [@King Kindred] The smirk died the second [i]another [/i]scientist joined their conversation, thought, and the first response to meeting one of the guys that had already been here prior to their arrival was a tense with a very high-held chin posture; which faltered the moment he spotted the little raptor in the man's arms, though, which just then hopped off his grasp. His eyes widened in both, shock and pleasant surprise. The name of the man didn't seem important anymore, nor what he actually did on this godforsaken island. Instead Owen immediately crouched down in front of the little dinosaur, carefully reaching out a hand, as he place down his sniper rifle. Just then he realised just what species it was -- a Velociraptor. And he instantly swallowed down the up-coming guilty feeling, glancing back up said scientist. [color=82ca9d]"Where did you get her from...?"[/color]