[hider=Kohn] [b]Appearance:[/b] Kohn is rough, even for a dwarf. His body is covered in scars from many battles; some even ruin his dwarfish good-looks. He stands at 4,5 ft above ground, and is as broad as reason allows. He is not fat, however, but burly and strong. He wears both his hair and beard long, for they are his pride and joy. Both hair and beard is reddish brown, and Kohn is long since bald on most of his head. He has taken advantage of this and allowed a young artist to turn his scalp into a living work of art. His eyes are a dark brown, and small compared to his nose, which is big, as every dwarf’s. As for clothing, Kohn likes to dress in pale brown(or beige), sturdy clothes made out of thick, sometimes tempered leather. This gives him protection from the heat of his workplace and the ability to move around with ease. When outside, he wear a thick dark-green cloak to protect him from the rain and the wind. (link to picture: http://cdn.whatanart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/dwarf-3d-fantasy-art.jpg) When battle comes he of course dons the armor his father once left him. Like most dwarven armor it is thick, made of heavy metal and features many edges. While the elves and humans favor soft curves on their armor to deflect incoming hits the typical dwarf likes sharp edges and flat bits. It’s easier to make, and because it is made from quality dwarven steel, just as sturdy, if not more than human or elven armor. (link to picture: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130917201911/lotr/images/3/3b/Dwarven_Armour.jpg) [b]Name:[/b] Kohn, son of Ohm from the Bronze clan. [b]Age:[/b] 257 years. [b]Titles/Alias:[/b] Most people simply calls him Kohn. [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf. [b]Rank:[/b] Sons of stone captain. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Kohn carries a total of three axes and a special crossbow: 2 throwing axes. (link: https://www.ragweedforge.com/23v.jpg) 1 walking axe. An axe with a long enough handle to use as a walking stick. The longer handle also means harder blows. (link: http://images.solingen-messer.com/images/zoom/09uc2905.jpg) Crossbow: The crossbow is a true feat of engineering from papa Mohr, who designed and built the weapon himself. It features a pump-action reload system similar to a shotgun, and as such requires a strong person to load it. A box containing up to twenty bolts sit atop the structure, letting one down into the groove at the same time as the weapon is loaded. This means that you can’t properly aim the weapon, so you have to fire “from the hip” at closer ranges. The weapon is used mostly in short range, by quickly loading and firing. For hand-to-hand combat the crossbow is also fitted with a bayonet at the front. [b]Personality:[/b] Kohn has quite the social competence, not only for a dwarf. He has only been around humans a few times, but has already picked up some human customs, like being merry when drinking, and laughing heartily. He has also mastered the “santa claus-smile”, instantly changing his appearance from a stone cold dwarf to a warm and friendly old man. He has no problem speaking to people of other races, but is still convinced that the elves should stay quiet and out of sight when their betters are among them. However, if forced, even elves make better company than loneliness, not much, but still. [b]Bio:[/b] Kohn was born deep down in the mountain keep. His father, Ohm, took great pride in having a son, and taught him anything he could think of, which of course included the family profession. His uncle, Mohr, father of Kohn cousin Gohr, would often visit and train both the boys in combat techniques. Gohr and Kohn would train, study and explore together as often as they could. Although it took them at least ten years and some unauthorized exploring in the old family archives to figure out why they were trained so hard in combat techniques when they were of a (comparatively) peaceful heritage. Somehow the young lads managed to keep their mouths about their noble blood until they were old enough to know what war really was about, when that day came they weren’t so proud of it anymore. When Ohm and his wife Lorn, Kohns mother, went to the realm of man with a trading caravan Kohn was to stay with uncle Mohr. Some years later, his parents still hadn’t returned, but Kohn was sure that they were just taking their time, making a huge profit for themselves in the human lands. As luck would have it, Kohn didn’t have to sit around and wait for his parents. Mohr took the opportunity of having both his “sons” sent away to training camp. Not until ten years had passed, and Kohn was thirty years old did he return to papa Mohr’s home, only to find that his parents had not returned. Since that day he has always asked travellers, merchants and diplomats that have been out in the world if they’ve heard of seen anything of Ohm and Lorn. More time passed, Kohn and Gohr grew up into adulthood and took over their parent’s professions. Gohr, now a powerful warrior, besting Khon with some effort, was sent for, to defend the keep against the dark hordes. Before he left for battle, papa Mohr told Kohn to go to the inner keep and be safe. Both Mohr and Gohr went to the front lines and held off the invasion while Kohn and his axe watched over the children and elderly far below the surface. Only papa Mohr returned alive. Gohr, for all his skill and strength and caught a deadly wound. He had fought on for several minutes, blind in rage, but had lost too much blood when the fighting was over. Kohn and papa Mohr grew very close after that. Kohn had lost his parents, Mohr had lost his son, so they became father and son in every aspect. They even had the legal works done for an adoption. Time came for fighting again shortly after Gohr’s death. Both Kohn and papa Mohr were called. They stuck together and lived through many skirmishes and ambushes. Kohn’s axework and Mohr’s marksmanship proved too much for most opponents and they were both awarded with many rings and tubes to keep in their beards. Then the call to arms came from a different place, the sons of stone. Before he answered the call he inherited papa Mohr’s crossbow. The old man was too ancient to see another battle, but since that crossbow had kept Kohn safe that far, it should keep doing it. This time the sons of stone were on the offensive, charging into unknown territory to take out an enemy stronghold that might not even be there. They attacked during the night, led forward only by the sound of the steps taken by the dwarf in front of you. Then, out of the darkness, a roar that dwarves knew all too well, trolls. The mission was suicide, too many out on their first real mission, and too little information about the enemy. Many dwarves were slain by their comrades because they could neither see nor take the chance that the figure in front of them were friendly. Twohundred dwarves left the keep that night, only around a quarter returned. Kohn was one of them. Badly beaten and cut up by goblin blades. There hadn’t been any stronghold, they’d run straight into the ass-end of an orc warband, somehow missed their scouts and struck right at the heart of it. Within seconds there were orcs, trolls and goblins on all sides. Kohn had survived by backing into a big tree and then swinging his axe furiously at anything that came close. After that failure Kohn started to take his job as a defender of the dwarven race more seriously. He started to train with axe and crossbow every day. He visited a master of the fighting style Khan-Zar-Khom (Literally “I stand here”), and became his pupil, next time he wouldn’t have to back away. Somehow he still managed to keep up with his work as a smith during all this, but he didn’t produce that much. However, all of his wares were of top quality because he had much time to spend on each piece. Such has his life been as he has waited for the next call of the sons of stone. [b]Extra:[/b] Apart from his skills in working with silver Kohn is a master axeman, and has killed many orcs, goblins and other lesser evils in his days. Being a dwarf, he is more resistant to both heat and cold than the humans and elves. He also has a knack for picking up new skills and can start a fire out of almost nothing. Khan-Zar-Khom (Literally “I stand here”) - A dwarvish fighting style that was originally developed to defend bridges and other narrow passages. The basis is that the users feet are connected to the ground like the mountain is connected to the earth, and therefore the user should be as hard to move. The user will rely on his weapons to make this stand, using them sometimes in very unorthodox ways. No longer is the edge of the axe the only dangerous part of the weapon, every inch of it can and should be used. [/hider]