[@Takashi] You roll a: 2! You raise your hand to begin your speech, but then your fake orc head falls off and you are escorted out of the city. [@Pripovednik] You roll a: 3! Sadly, there are no weeds. Anywhere. At all. The field is entirely ice cream. You do scoop some 'weed flavored ice cream' which isn't as effective, but it works. [@ManiacMaestro] You roll a: 2! Your automaton starts it's thing, then breaks down because it starts raining. For your anti-orc blog: You roll a: 4! A few hundred humans log on and make accounts, along with a few orc log on looking upon and being disgusted by what the humans write.[@UnlosingRanger] Your roll a: 4! You fai- um you succe- no, wait. [color=6ecff6]U[/color][color=aba000]h[/color][color=630460]h[/color] [b][color=ed1c24]WARNING: PARADOX CREATED. PLEASE WAIT FOR THE CUSTOMARY BLACK HOLE 'PARADOX CLEANSER' TO TAKE YOU FAR AWAY TO A DISTANT GALAXY. PLEASE HAVE A NICE TRIP.[/color][/b] [@hiddenleafguy] You roll a: 5! Your multi-racial anti-orc army grows very strong! It is a great army rivaling that of large nations, so you decide that's what you will do! You create a large, highly military controlled nation called Humania.