[center]Lucius Cypher & Wind Wild [b]Noel & Hazumi [i]Collaboration[/i][/b][/center] [b]"Ah... This brings back memories."[/b] Noel looked around the academy. It had been so long since he's been here, and yet it was both familiar and strange. New faces, new sights, but that old school feel. Noel himself certainly stood out, looking like a character straight from a fantasy. Like he was a twentith level bard or something. Hew earned some starts and shot back a charm of his own, earning some giggles and laughs. It was nice being back, but he was loath to staying. He rather liked his independance and couldn't really agree with the notion of being a glorifed hitman. But perhaps things have changed? That's when a student came up to Noel. He had a message asking Noel to head to the Essence's office. The student didn't know what for and he didn't ask, so Noel was going in blind. If he wanted to run away this would be the best time to do so, but he elected to stay. He had to report his actions in after all, plus he wanted to check in on Olivia. As it stands he was the only one who knew about her magic and if he was going to leave her mind, he'd at least want to make sure she could take care of herself first. Only getting lost once on the way to the Essence's office, Noel reached the massive door. He wondered why Hazumi would want to see him. Lily perhaps, she was the headmaster after all. Or at least he thinks she still was. He honestly hasn't been keeping track of the academy since he left, so who knows what has happened here. Takinga deep breath and knocking loudly on the door Noel made his presence known. [b]"This is Noel."[/b] Hazumi was expecting him, and so was a teapot with two cups on each side of the coffee-table. For once Hazumi had decided to ignore her duties for a while and sit there instead – she needed some energy. “Hello Noel.” She greeted cheerfully despite the tired note in her voice. Standing up she gestured to the couch across. “Please, take a seat. Glad to see you're doing well for yourself.” Bowing his head at Hazumi Noel placed his Fragment behind the couch. He allowed himself to relax, but also made sure he didn't come off as disrespectful in Hazumi's presence. No need to be a slob after all. [b]"I'm glad to see you well Hazumi. I would hope that these past few years haven't been more stressful than usual?"[/b] Twas just a conversational peice, as he knew these past few yeasr have been hard on everyone. Hazumi was no different, despite the power she held inside herself. If anything it only made things even more difficult. [b]"Ah ha ha ha, what am I saying? We're all working hard. But that's life."[/b] “Indeed.” Hazumi smiled. Each of them had their own little duty – she was coping with gods while Noel and the musicians were making sure the weak and vulnerable were protected. After all, not even a demigod could have her eyes on everything at the same time and the graduated musicians were practically the extensions of herself that kept an eye on the small picture. “I'd like to congratulate you on rescuing Olivia Matthews. You might not realise it but your actions have probably saved more than one person, possibly even preventing a demon war, though there have been casualties.” She stirred her tea and took a long sip, her eyes evaluating the young man in front of her. He seemed different than last time she saw him. His face had lost most of its boyish softness and there was something mature in his eyes, though the passion for adventures was still clearly visible in his attire. “I was wondering if you'd managed to get any remotely useful information about the assault.” Taking a sip from the tea Noel listened carefully and tried his best to remember what had happened. [b]"Well... I will be honest when I say that saving Olivia was not my original intention. That is, I was simply on patrol when I came across her, trapped inside a house. The windows and doors were being blocked by some sort of web-like substance. I could not get a good view of whoever was the one who kidnapped her. My first priority was to save her, which I gladly did."[/b] While Noel didn't exactly plan on saving Olivia, he was looking for such a siotuation to get himself involved in. He's now accepted that he's part of Olivia and whatever trouble she's in now. There was no backing out for him, even if it was an option. Recalling other memories Noel involved Hazumi the best he could. [b]"As you may know, one of my magical abilities involves divining knowledge from others. I did this on Olivia to see if I could identify whoever had taken her, but it seemed that she was stolen by someone who could hide their identidy. She was fortunate enough to have temporaily stun her captor shortly before I had come across her. Beyond that I only know as much about her captors as Olivia does. As I said, my first priority was to ensure her safety. I never bothered to figure out who took her in the first place."[/b] Noel informed Hazumi solmnly. In hindsight he should have returned to the scene after Olivia was whisked away by Aeris, but somehow get himself entangled with a meeting with Aluvia the Weather Angel. [b]"I take it that Olivia's relationship with the figure known as Darius has something to do with this demon war you spoke of? I'm familiar with the name and Olivia told me she is a close family member of his. I discovered this much when I was trying to dicern what the motivation behind her kidnapping would have been. There's also the matter of her..."[/b] Noel hesitated for a moment. He shouldn't have mentioned that. Olivia's powers probally weren't important, and it's not as though Noel knew enough about it to tell Hazumi more. He had to finish his sentence however so he switched out his topic. [b]"Brother. Enalias. She has told me that he has gone missing, and worries about him. I suspect that he may have dropped off the radar to pursue Olivia's captors, and without any way to contact him, he may have found himself in a dire situation in which he needn't be involved in."[/b] Hazumi sat and listened, appreciating that Noel was being as through as possible. It was disappointing that he didn't know much about the incident. Then again, the matter was largely solved as Olivia was safe and Darius was surely working his magic already on finding out who was behind it all. While the mention of the girl's brother going missing was unfortunate, it hardly held any importance to her. “Darius is indeed one of the players in this game and we'd be right to try and prevent him from acting all on his own. While the man does a good job at keeping the peace in Kenan, he has a specific way of doing so which involves a degree of... pressure. Given how we don't have much to go on, I think we should leave him do some part of the investigation while we try to beat him to finding the culprit. I wouldn't trust him with the life of the man who abducted Olivia.” Hazumi took another sip of tea, contemplating for a moment. When she set the cup down, her eyes locked with Noel's and her tone was serious. “The woman who abducted Olivia survived. She is no longer at the site where you left her but she is a lead we can use. Noel, can I ask you to lead the investigation on our part? I think our chances are good to get to the person behind all this.” Noel was... Surprised to say the least. Hardly here for a day and he's already been given another job. He supposed that it would make sense however. A Musician's work is never done. [b]"I'd be honored to. Olivia was taken from the academy, and I would like to do all I can to ensure that no one else suffers a similar fate."[/b] Admitidly a bit nervous, Noel swallowed his fear and accepted the job nonetheless. He was their best lead so far after all, and it's not like he had anything else to do. “I will give you the coordinates of Olivia's abductor's current position. If she doesn't move too quickly you will be able to catch up with her. And then, I want you to find a way to get a sample of her essence. You don't have to fight her, I'd prefer it if you don't raise any suspicion. Set up a trap and bleed her or find a way to have her touch your Instrument and whisk a strand away. I don't need much but I need it fast. Once you give me the sample I'll be able to determine the individuals she meets on a regular basis based on the residue of essence over hers. With any luck she'll be an accomplice and not just a mercenary, in which case tracking her master will be easy enough. Of course.. if things get serious, you should try to apprehend her, as long as you're not risking your own safety. I'd rather we use the element of surprise and don't tip off the mastermind but your safety comes first.” [b]"Of course, Hazumi. I am, if nothing else, full of surprises."[/b] Reading the mind of Olivia's abductor would be easy enough for Noel, but to extract something from her to scan for essence... A bit harder, but nothing he can't accomplish with time and preperation. It may take him days, if not weeks, but the more he can discover the better for the academy. He just hopes he won't be too late.