Koji eyed over the new comers as they spoke, doing his best to remain silent as he simply reflected on his own thoughts... But it was when the bandaged one and the tailed one began to posture, that he merely shook his head. Standing as he sheathed his blade, his eyes would turn to the gatehouse as the rest of the party could been seen venturing out. "[color=00a651]Peacock, later... We move.[/color]" Bowing his head as he stepped past the hunter with the horns, he'd take a mighty leap from his position to the top of a tree near the road. Though he remained in sight of the party, his eyes continued to scan the area about them. He didn't expect many to be able to keep up with him... In fact, he would be surprised if they did, but he would act as the scout for his party as they ventured forth. ------------------------------------------------------------------ As time drew on, Koji continued to leap from treetop to treetop, pausing every so often to ensure that the caravan was within range- in case something had ambushed them. Though something seemed odd... The badger had stopped the caravan to investigate something. Curious to the discovery, Koji leapt across the field, landing with a audible thud and the shuffling sounds of his armor settling. Though he was behind the small-stature man, he could clearly see now what got his attention. As his eyes focused on the scene, he could hear everyone babbling on in their own tongue, utterly lost as to their meaning... Instead his attention now turned to the trail of blood and it's origin. Cautiously, he'd begin following the trail with a hand upon the pommel of his blade. Though scanning the scenery visually, he kept his ears open for any sounds- whether it be beast or man.