[center][color=red][h1][b]Red Legions[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [hr] Welcome to [i][b]Red Legions[/b][/i], a prologue to an upcoming RP. This RP was inspired by, and partly ripped up from [url=http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21774757]Rise of Domrius[/url], a RP I am currently participating in on another site. All credit goes to Kellehendros, one of the best RPers I've encountered- both as a host and a participant. In this role play you will be assuming the role of a commander who is leading a small company of men to Holdur's Pass. An esteemed general of the Aurrian Empire by the name of Victus Cenuri is leading his large army towards the pass. Victus was instrumental in conquering the eastern lands for the Aurrian Empire, and with new-found momentum it won't be long before he takes the west. In response, the western nations have sent small detachments to Holdur's Pass in order to slow Victus' advance while they form a larger, more coherent army with a solid strategy. Holdur's Pass is several miles long, and serves as the safest, quickest, and most practical way to travel between the western and eastern continents. The pass is about half a mile wide, allowing ample room for the two armies to maneuver. Steep mountains are on either side of the pass, extending down to the south and also to the north. The Allied camp will be on the westernmost part of the pass, and the Aurrian camp will be on the easternmost part of the pass, several miles away from each other. The role play will be divided into three phases: a strategy phase, a battle phase, and a rest phase. During the strategy phase you will gather at the strategy tent and work together to create a strategy for the coming battle using information gathered from scouts. Then the battle phase comes, which is a little trickier, and will be explained below. The rest phase concerns what is happening after the battle, and is where you can develop characters or interact with others around the camp. During a battle your forces will assume formations as discussed in the strategy phase, and I will detail the enemy's own formation and movement. After that you can post [b]once[/b] to explain what you and your forces are doing; the only exception to this is if you want to post again to 'reply' to another character. Then I will post to explain the effects of your actions, and then the actions of the Aurrian forces, and so on and so forth until the Aurrians retreat. Trust me, Kellehendros gave us surprises, and so will I. Two more things: [i]fatigue [/i]and [i]morale[/i]. As you fight your fatigue will gradually increase. Depending on certain battlefield conditions, your morale will either increase or decrease. Taking these two in consideration will determine the total amount of casualties at the end of a battle. I will need a bio of your main character, his/her officers, a description of your forces (three hundred at most), and a description of your homeland. I will allow magic to an extent; nothing to flashy, nothing to overpowered. [h3]Bio[/h3] Please post characters in the Characters tab when accepted. [code][b]Name[/b]: [b]Description[/b]: [b]Appearance[/b]: [b]Armor/Clothing[/b]: [b]Weapon(s)[/b]: [b]Other Items[/b]: [b]Skills and Abilities[/b]: [b]Background[/b]: [b]Officers[/b]: [b]Unit[/b]: [b]Homeland[/b]:[/code] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Description[/b]: Their age, race, gender, etc. [b]Appearance[/b]: [b]Armor/Clothing[/b]: [b]Weapon(s)[/b]: [b]Other Items[/b]: [b]Skills and Abilities[/b]: More or less, your strengths and spells - if you know any. [b]Background[/b]: [b]Officers[/b]: A list is perfect. Names and short descriptions are fine. [b]Unit[/b]: Again, use a list. The name of the soldier type, how many of them you have, and a short description (weapons, armor, fighting talents, background, etc) [b]Homeland[/b]: A brief, but detailed description of your homeland. What the name of it is, the name of your people, important events, the culture, reputation, brief history, its location on the western continent, what it is known for, etc. [h3]Roster[/h3] The [color=red][b]Aurrian Forces[/b][/color] are led by supreme general Victus Cenuri. His second-in-command is general Galiran. There's no telling how many men Victus brought with him to the pass. The [color=blue][b]Allied Forces[/b][/color]