[quote=@Lone Wanderer] Hmm, would you allow a small kingdom or principality influenced by the crusader states? Religion being their predominate ideal, and being a militaristic order. That would at the start at-least be resisting Dagon and his legions. [/quote] Yes. Two notes: I would prefer the crusader kingdom not to have pseudo-christianity as its religion, because pseudo-christianity is a pet peeve of mine in fantasy settings for some reason. Second, resisting nations will likely have to a) band together to survive b) oocly, their creators have to be willing for them to lose and even be destroyed. [quote=@KabenSaal] So, these 'Immortals'. Have they got any children? Can they have any children? [/quote] Interesting question. I pictured the Immortals and Perfecti a bit like vampires, propagating through some horrible initiation rite. I suppose there's no reason they can't reproduce sexually as well, though. Their children are likely to be twisted, mutated monsters. Which is...fun. So yes, allowed.