Remmington was a little disheartened when Clover had to get back to her dorm but he understood, he was glad to give her the picture though. There was something nice about delivering it to her, he'd never really been one to give his art away but he loved to see the reactions upon receiving it. Sometimes people seemed so shocked by the beauty he'd recorded on the piece of paper, sometimes they said some very unflattering things. It just depended on the day and the person, sometimes it depended on how he had colored them if he bothered to. Tapping the charcoal pencil against the empty page, he realized he was alone again and that was sort of troublesome. He wondered if Thomas and his Irish friend would make their ways into the cafeteria soon, he was sure he could grab a place near them. He was cool with Thomas, plus he still had to ask if he was trying to break rules by feeding in the library. Remmington personally didn't mind but it wasn't very smart of him and he didn't want to see his friend get in trouble. He didn't exactly have anyone else who was willing to speak with him and he wasn't about to lose Thomas so quickly. He liked Thomas, there was a lot of good things about him and he'd drawn him in color a few times which was about the highest regard anyone could get out of Remmington. Trying to focus on a new muse, his gaze sought out a pair that seemed to be discussing something and he began to sketch their profiles.