Adam laughed, his breath floating over the face of the beautiful girl he had pulled against him. [color=gray]“If I wanted to hurt you, you would be on the ground crying in agony. This is me being gentle.”[/color] His voice was soft and lower than a whisper giving his words a chilling quality. Right after he said that he let her now healed arm go. Adam pulled her towards him once more just to prove to her that she could not resist his charm if she tried. Though the whole situation twisted itself around leaving him pining to kiss her. By the way her breath was coming quicker and shallower, Adam could tell that he was affecting her too. For half a second he seriously considered kissing her, he even allowed himself to picture how easy it would be to steal her breath away and how enjoyable her lips would be. Instead he pulled away before he could do something he regretted. Crossing his arms, Adam listed to her defend herself about actually being able to do curses and it brought a smirk to his mouth. [color=gray]“Someone is a little defensive.”[/color] Adam said with amusement in his voice. Without warning he pressed two fingers to her forehead and instantly he felt the pull of magic as it rushed to the tips of his fingers as they rested on her forehead. It was a different feeling then when he usually pulled on his magic, it made him want to smile and it left him feeling as if he was floating. [color=gray]“May the sun bring you new energy by day. May the moon softly restore you by night. May the rain wash away your worries, May the breeze blow new strength into your being. May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.”[/color] Adam’s arm dropped as he let out a heavy breath. Though he did not notice it, a [url=]symbol[/url] made of light was slowly fading into Ciara’s skin. Adam was just recovering his breath when she offered to heal him causing his retreat once again. He instantly snapped at her defensively and took a step away from her as if he was going to run. Honestly, he had not even realized he was acting so comfortably around her until she cause him to close up again. Why the hell he was letting her in anyway, he had no idea. Her confession left him stunned and baffled. There was no way she would have ever come to help him that night, not after he made it painfully obvious he would have killed her for Riley. The part that baffled him the most was not Riley being written in the stars, or that she wanted to heal him, but that she had felt guilty about his pain. Adam watched her from behind a cold mask as she stepped closer him and asked for him to hurt her. A tear slid down her cheek and he almost reached out to brush it away only to remind himself of who he was. Adam of the Black Hawk Coven was not one to reach out and wipe away her tear. He would never show that he cared enough to be affected by a single tear. Ciara’s offer was greatly tempting. Killing her would solve all his problems. Adam took a step towards her so that they were chest to chest once again, only this time his right hand reached around her head and his right hand gripped the right side of her jaw while his left hand laid open palm on her right cheek. [color=gray]“I would not just hurt you for what you did. I will kill you.”[/color] He whispered in her ear. His arms tensed up just as he took in a deep breath. He had done this a million time, countless of witches and warlocks died with broken necks due to his hands. Though as Adam looked into the girl’s warm chocolate eyes, he found that he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t, no he wouldn’t, snap her neck. Instead he slowly let go of her, though he did not bother to move away. [color=gray]“Jay is ‘her’ name. She was, is, my girlfriend. Everyone is expecting us to join in a unity soon though. She is the one who did all of this to me by her mother, my Coven leader’s, request.”[/color] Adam grabbed Ciara’s jaw and lifted her face towards the sky none to gently. [color=gray]“This is where she hit first with a heavy but tiny hammer.”[/color] He told her tapping her the middle part of her jaw on the left side. [color=gray]“This was to make sure that every scream was painful. From there she spent nearly two days finding places to break or hit that made me scream the loudest.”[/color] He let go of her jaw and let his hands fall to his sides. [color=gray]“It was my Coven leader who asked me to be healed by her right handed member, Patricia. She specially requested for me not to be fully healed, just enough so that I could stand to move. This pain that I am feeling, it is my punishment for losing Riley, they want it to make a lasting impression.”[/color] Adam went and leaned against the brick wall and rubbed his hand over his face trying to erase the images of Jay smiling down at him as she broke another bone in his body. Or how her smile would grow when his scream was louder than the one before. [color=gray]“If you heal me, my punishment will only be ten times worse. Not to mention they would come after you specially, and I would have to kill you in front of them.”[/color] Adam shook his head then looked up at her. For the first time, his eyes were completely soft and fear was present just like the night that Elena had found him. [color=gray]“What is your name, witch?”[/color]