[hr][center][b][color=a0410d]Brick[/color][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82270-r-a-t-s-rapid-assault-tactical-squad-superhero-turn-based-adventures/char#post-2754600][LINK][/url] [color=yellow][b]Energy:[/b] 9/10[/color] [color=00ff00]30[/color] / [color=00ccff]7[/color] / [color=ff0000]1[/color][/b][/center][hr] Brick lost his cool as he came down into the garage to find... nothing. The rocky faced rumbler growled waving his hands with agitation before bringing his fist down on the bonnet of one of the armored trucks, denting the heavy plating and setting off an alarm which began to blare loudly. It seems in his frustration, he accidentally let go of his repulsion from the earth. Rather than the asphalt black, his skin had taken on a concrete gray from the parking garage. [color=a0410d]"Where the hell are they?"[/color] If they didn't go down they had to go up. but his frustrations compounded when the hellion wanted to break into the car. [color=a0410d]"I popped the hood on this one, rip off a spark plug cable, remove the spark plug, the porcelain is hard as diamond to get you in the window. I'm going to find the others."[/color] And with that he ran back up the stairs the other two came down from. As he got closer, he drew the pistol from the back of his pants as he saw the robot. "Follow." He commanded the steel sentinel while trying to catch up with the others. [hr] <+1 ENERGY|Armed, Attack =4| Weaponized, +5 Atk> <[b]No status effects are affecting this character right now[/b]>