Darting forwards almost faster than the eye could see Streak slammed her fist into the Parademon's thickly padded face, hoping to knock it out cold with one punch, but while it was left only spitting a tooth out she was left with a bruised hand. [hr][indent][indent]Streak basic attack (fist smashing face), countered by Parademon [color=red]Durability[/color] and followed up with Parademon basic attack (face smashing fist) [indent][b][color=gold]Streak - 14[/color] [color=red]Parademon #1 - 3[/color][/b][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=gold]"Oww!"[/color] She cried out, darting back over to where Spitfire was standing. [color=gold]"I'm kinda new to all this, but I think that stuff up there might be Apokoliptian tech, or at least it looks like the stuff I used to see in the [i]Superman[/i] comic books. Unless someone has a really weird sense of humour we're probably dealing with those guys."[/color] Pausing for a breath Streak darted back over to the still grounded Parademon and delivered a superspeed kick right up between its legs, hitting a soft spot the beast's natural armour didn't quite cover. As the alien warrior curled over, his hands letting the axe fall from his fingers as they moved to cup the tenderness he suddenly felt thanks to Streak's low blow, the speedster quickly snatched the weapon in midair and swinging it round slammed it hard into the soldier's shoulder. [hr][indent][indent]Streak basic attack (low blow), followed by with Streak basic attack (axe strike) [indent][b][color=gold]Streak - 14[/color] [color=red]Parademon #1 - 1[/color][/b][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=gold]"Do you know if we get to keep any of this stuff?"[/color] Streak asked Spitfire as she appeared beside him once more, twirling the newly acquired axe between her fingers playfully for a moment before turning and hurling it straight between the crippled Parademon's eyes, knocking him down to the ground for good. [color=gold]"It'd look great in my trophy room, over the replica Infinity Gauntlet I bought at last year's ComiCon."[/color] [hr][indent][indent]Streak basic attack (axe finisher) [indent][b][color=gold]Streak - 14[/color] [color=red]Parademon #1 - KO[/color][/b][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr][indent][indent][indent]Post Count : 2[/indent][/indent][/indent]