[centre][b]~|17:48 Prison complex, Kaggath|~[/b][/centre] Nazca shrugged at the badly distorted words. "Well, judging from the state we're both in," she gestured towards Som himself, "I don't think they particularly care about how how much pain they put us through, so long as we're still useful. If we're going to get put through pain, might as well take some satisfaction from it, right?" She watched curiously as Som went through his deep breath thing, seeming to go into a brief trance. While her fellow prisoner did..whatever he was doing, Nazca glanced around again looking for anything she may have missed. There was nothing. It was still as tightly sealed and annoyingly inescapable as she thought it was the first time. "Har'chaak. Why can't they have been cheap with these facilities. Not that I'm complaining about how this is far better than the Hutts, but couldn't they have at least left a screw loose to the ventilation system or something?" She muttered, mostly to herself. She glanced back at Som as he asked his question. "Well, where else could we be? This doesn't look like a prison run by the Coruscant Police and I doubt the Sith had a secret prison on Coruscant the Jedi didn't know about. So they had to take us off planet. We can't have been unconscious for them to have taken us to another planet, as everything still hurts like it recently happened, right? Your jaw, my hand or lack thereof. I bet I still have blood stains on my cheeks from where the Zabraki bitch dug her claws in." Nazca gestured to the now scabbed over puncture wounds. "We haven't been out long enough to recover from our wounds, even the minor ones. We have to be on a ship, getting out of Republic space as quickly as possible. This is a ship, or I'm a Gamorrean." She looked at the girl in dirty robes. "You look like you've been here longer than us. What's your name?"