[center][color=DC143C][i][h1]Krimson[/h1][/i][/color][/center] Lamar arrived on scene at an inopportune moment, the battlefield was buzzing with police, their cohorts already seated in the back of cruisers. Thankfully, Ashley was still encased in her dome prison. Getting her out was the main priority, something the police were also attempting, as a small group of cops had surrounded the bubble, looking it over as if to find some sort of off switch. The tech deployed here was well over anything Lamar had ever seen, and with little chance in actually fending off the law here, he observed the situation as close to the police barricade as possible. Luckily, one of the officers received a call over his radio, and then most of them left the scene at a hurried pace. It had something to do with riots incidentally, leaving only three officers to oversee Krimson, who was still bashing away at the energy walls that encased her. By now a sizable crowd had gathered, which wasn’t surprising considering the wonton destruction that littered this city block. Every eye was center stage when the energy bubble that contained the unconscious Ashley dissipated, leaving the blood that encased her body to lurch forward, puppeteering the girl away from the police and in the direction of an alleyway located to the side. In retaliation, two of the officers blocked her path while the last covered her backside, all aiming their pistols at the red menace. “Stop and put your hands over your head, now!” Barked one of the policemen, and to the surprise of many this was enough to stop Ashley in her tracks. But instead of raising her hands in the air, her suit extended over her head, covering her body completely, creating the unnerving image of a faceless bloody figure. When she started walking again, this caused the officers to force their hands. The one directly in front of Ashley let off a shot, causing the crowd to gasp. The bullet impacted, sunk into the blood slightly, but fruitlessly dropped to the ground doing little. From behind, the single officer brought his nightstick across the back of the legs of Krimson, knocking the girl to the ground. The crowd started to cheer for a brief moment until a bloody hand wrapped around the leg of the officer who dealt the blow and a goop of blood began ascending up his leg. Cold terror filled the area once the man began screaming and the blood on his body began stabbing into his leg like hundreds of tiny needles. He too fell to the ground, causing one of the other men to rush to his aid. That was when Lamar jumped in, quite literally, he jumped the blockade with pistol in hand, effortlessly shooting and putting down the last man that was standing in front of the alleyway before he even knew what hit him. The final officer rose from his fallen comrade and was prepared to shoot Lamar, but another goop of blood was launched at his face from the still ground bound Ashley. That attack ended much the same as her first, only the screams of this policeman were muffled when the foreign substance tore away at his face. With fresh prey, the bloody figure rose to an almost animalistic crouching position, placing her hands on the wounds of one of the bloody men and drawing their blood into her system. Once dry the drained officer resembled a mummified corpse more than anything. With one down, Ashley moved on to another, and the threat of ending up just like them made Lamar advance slowly. [color=BDB76B] “Hey Ashley…” [/color] This did little to stop her, she continued work on the second man until he looked like the first. [color=BDB76B] “Ash, we gotta move. If we stay here, we’ll be dealing with more than the police…” [/color] Still nothing, until the third was mummied up, that was when Krimson stood, and turned to face the crowd. So many people. So much blood. The amalgamation of her cells that formed a consciousness practically squealed at the potential feast that stood before them. [color=DC143C] “We must make them join us, we must free our brethren!” [/color] Many replied yes, but few spoke in murmurs of uncertainty. Something was off, someone was off. The boy. The one that she called “friend”. He was speaking in urgent tones, signaling potential danger. [color=DC143C] “The boy is right. Such an act would draw much attention, bringing fatal danger. We can’t die now, not when we are so far from our goal!” [/color] Unheard chants of yes and no stormed inside Ashley until one side overpowered the other. Solemnly, her head nodded, giving Lamar ample room to sigh in relief. [color=BDB76B] “Alright, let’s kick this bitch!” [/color] Snatching the keys from one of the dried officer’s belts, the two hopped inside one of the cruisers and set out for the apartment. As they sped down the road, it became ever more apparent that the city was in riot. Looters broke into storefronts and anything that could be was set ablaze. Their apartment building wasn’t safe from this fate either, and what made it worse was the presence of another geared up so and so engaging in battle with a group of thugs. [color=BDB76B] “Shit, we may have to knock some heads to get up th-“ [/color] The slam of a car door cut Lamar’s sentence off; Krimson was raining down on one of the fallen thugs, killing him with a slash to his neck and feeding. This angered his still standing friends, but they were split on if they should deal with Krimson or Reaper. Being an unknown in this equation, Lamar jumped from the driver’s seat and used the cruiser for cover, taking aim at the thugs and nailing one right in the head. If anything he hoped this came across as a signal of friendliness to the large man with the scythe, as he didn’t like the idea of having that thing swung in his direction.