"So, are your guys here cause of that poster?" Evia called out to the man in armor and the woman at the bar after having nibbled on some of her bread. As the woman that had called out to them approached, Kita got up and moved a bit to let her into the group and moved a bit to let her into the group. Renault didn't answer the woman in much more than a slow nod, but Nalia spoke. "Yep!" she said enthusiastically. "Don't mind Renault here. He doesn't speak much, apparently. Kita and I got here a little while ago. Few others came in and I...Oh my! Is that...?!" Nalia jumped up and looked past the woman in front of her. "Tara?!" She yelled and ran across the room to another table on the far end of the bar, leaving Renault and the woman there alone with Kita. The Dire-wolf had lay down by this point, nodding off into a light slumber. Renault didn't intend to be rude to this woman, but he may have come across as such, disappearing into the realms of his own mind as he sipped at his ale every minute or so. His world was masked away by the veil of a blank, nonexistent, stare into the table. Tara's head whipped to the side and her eyes darted furiously around the room. Her hands splayed out on the table. She looked like a deer about to bolt. Until she saw Nalia. Her eyes narrowed in scrutiny, but an excited smile soon erased the look. The girl jumped out of her chair and threw herself at Nalia, nearly bringing both of them to the ground. "You're here too!? Why didn't you tell me you were taking off on some dangerous journey!? We could have come into town together! Wait," Tara released her vice like hug and frowned, "You were going to leave without saying anything." "Wait wait, back up. You didn't get my letter?" Nalia replied, frowning slightly. Meanwhile... The old woman grabbed a few papers off the table, one of which was a letter. Tara's Nema threw it into the fire and smiled. "Mmmhmm! Toasty warm!" She said, wringing her hands together. Back at the tavern... "I swear I left it on the bottom of the access rope when I left!" Nalia scowled, unhappy that her letter didn't reach her friend. She instead decided to hug the little woman before her tightly. [hr] "This is going better than expected." Illum said to no one in particular. She still sat in the same chair in the back of the bar, her leg still resting on the other as her foot tapped lightly in the air. A very slight crease of a smile crept across her mouth as she saw the group starting to talk and mingle, becoming acquainted. They would all know each other soon enough. There would be plenty of conflicts, but all will lead down the same road. There was a very well rounded group before her. Combat roles were filled without issue. Some were even overqualified. The chances of success were good, but they weren't the best. They could be better. She was sure that they would improve soon enough as more came about, but she wasn't going to hold her breath. She had tried this method of reaching the city several times before, each time was better than the last and this was no exception "I feel it is time to begin," Illum said quietly. Despite her lack of volume any voices in the pub fell and conversations slowed to a stop. Once everybody was giving her their attention she rose up from her seat. She brushed the creases out of her blouse and stood tall. Her long fingers traced gently down her sides and then clasped around her back. "We certainly look prepared, don't we?" she smiled, "Good. As my advertisement and agents illustrated, I'm sure, this will be a profitable journey for those of you who survive to see it through. [i]If[/i] you survive. Ladies and Lords, this will be no vacation or simple pilgrimage. Many have embarked on this trail before you. None have reached the end. If there is any doubt in your minds regarding your skill, integrity, perseverance, and motivation, then walk away now and leave such matters to better souls." The crowd assembled remained still and focused on their leader. "Very well. I will be providing you with a guide who knows the route and will keep contacts for you. Rations, a cart and a couple of beasts will be provided to you for the first leg of the journey. What happens to them and what happens to you once on the road is your responsibility. I would highly advise you spend the night checking and double checking that you have everything you will need. We will be leaving at dawn tomorrow," she paused, "Are there any pressing questions you may have? If not, please, enjoy your stay. I have made sleeping arrangements in the upper levels of the tavern. Do not be late in the morning."