[quote=@Aisling] The man walked over to the bus after the five girls were on the bus. His stride was swift and his hand whipped out a pair of dark sunglasses from his suit coat pocket as he went out of the door. He was soon on the bus and looked at each girl before speaking. "Good morning ladies. You each have been hand chosen for this special tutoring assignment. I have thought about pairing each of you but maybe it would be best if the ten of you figure out how to get the assignment done. The males already know what their assignment is and while they are not exactly happy about it, they are here. Your assignment is to teach these males how to survive on their own. Make sure that they have all of the necessary skills to make their year an academic success whether it is how to properly clean their own room to doing laundry to cooking, even how to use the computer to find what they need to know for a report paper. I shall leave you to travel to the apartments and get settled in. I expect great things from you five ladies. I wish you all the luck in this world." Once the man was done speaking, he simply walked off the bus and into the grassy area of the yard where he simply faded away. [/quote] [color=f26522]"All the luck in the world, who needs luck when ya got me. We'll whip them into shape easy. So lets get going."[/color]