You found a supposedly dark ritual giving a cursed immortality in one of the darker part of the internet and decided to give it a go. What you found was a whole new world, as, as soon as the ritual was completed you and your friends were taken to a dark underground chamber and told of vampires, witches, dark magic and terrifying beast hiding in the dark. You were only college students a few hours prior, but now a whole new way of life, or rather, unlife, is pushed against the small group. Do you have what it takes to prevail in this dark, ruthless world, or will you perish like the prey you are? We will be four to six in this, and I espect us all to brainstorm a lot in the OOC once it will be made. I think this will be a world full of opportunities for plot-twist and lore, and I want us all to have a blast. So, who's with me?