[@moxalt] Alright that is totally fair. Thanks for the interest! [@Kimiyosis] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XxBaBfu.gif[/img] [@baskets] That makes me excited as [i]hell[/i]. [@FancyTomato] Well then I believe you have come to the right place for this idea did come to me in the middle of reading City Come A Walkin' while playing Starcraft years ago so we have imperfect futures and all your cyberpunks needs. Also [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/mspaintadventures/images/a/a1/Henry_Clay.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width/640?cb=20090306195743[/img] [@FiroIV] Ah well that is a good question and one I was planning on answering anyway. Well the intended structure of this roleplay is broken up into three acts as you may want to call them. [b]Act The First: Genesis[/b] This is the beginning of the roleplay taking place as our characters are still within a heavily fortified and secret CEU training facility, this time will focus heavily on several time skips as they grow from small children, to teenagers, to super soldiers and focus primarily on character interaction and to ease everybody into the setting. Because of the nature of this time not a lot of free ability to roam about and will be much more linear in its story telling procedure. This will be the shortest of the Acts probably only lasting a couple of story posts on my part and depending on people's posting frequency could be finished in anywhere from a couple of days to a week or two. [b]Act The Second: Judges[/b] This is much more meaty and more action pact than the previous act before it. Now full fledged super soldiers it going involve them going on a lots of suicide missions against the AGS destroying high value targets and the like. This part will be a lot more open ended as I will at the start of each mission present you with an objective and give you generally overview as per CEU intelligence reports and I will try and usher you guys along to complete the objective but how you go about that is completely up to you guys. Lots more player freedom now that the story has been firmly set up in the first act. This act will be longer than the first and these scenes of action will be intermixed with down time for more player interaction amongst one another as I feel needed. Eventually if we make it that far we will get to the third act. [b] Act The Third: Revelations[/b] Revelations is where things get really interesting as the mysterious things in deep space start to act and cause quite a ruckus in the galaxy. But I'm afraid that is all I can really tell you about it without ruining too much. And that would compose the first what I would call [i]"season"[/i] of the RP, I have other stories that would follow close behind in the TS universe for the squad or new characters to partake in but that is for another time as getting the RP off the ground first would be good right? lol Hope that kind of answered your question. [hr] Anyway we have enough people to get this shindig on the road. I have work soon and so I will probably not be able to get the OCC up until later but it should be today at some point so tune in to here for more updates. Though I do check up on the site when ever I have a lull at work which does happen a lot as it is a lot of twiddling my thumbs so if any of you have any questions feel free to send them to me via PM or post them here and I will try and answer them. I hope we all have a wonderful little time together.