[quote=@MonstrousMan] [color=f6989d]{successful sprint, successful guard find}[/color] [@UnlosingRanger] Taking around 3 minutes to reach the tower, Sol reaches the towers door and bashes hard against it. Opening slowly a guard asks his business and so he tells him of the goblins. With a startled look he disappears a moment, and reappears with two other guards, all three run into the village to spread out and patrol. With a quick thank you, the guard is gone before he can notice he left the tower door wide open. [/quote] [color=f7976a]"I'm walking in, I wish to help."[/color] The young man announces before walking through the tower door with his horse and closes it behind him, he doesn't want to let the guards think they are invading or anything. [color=f7976a]"There is a chance, that goblins plan to hit the tower after the guards are distracted..."[/color] Sol looks for a guard in the tower with some haste in case the goblin's attack making sure his presence is known from a distance and says this if he finds one. [color=f7976a]"Sir! I know I'm young but, I wish to help in patrols. One of the guards left the door open after I warned them of goblin activity. I walked in and closed it behind me. I'll make my way back out if you don't want the help."[/color]