[center] [b]About Me[/b] - I am female, 25, and I've been roleplaying for over ten years now. - I'm a friendly sort and like to have conversations and form friendships with my partners. - I am located in the US (CST) and work a 9-5, M-F job. My primary writing/posting times will usually be during my downtime at work and occasionally on weekends. I sometimes travel out of town once or twice a month but I will try to give advance notice if there will be a delay on a return post. [hider=ROLEPLAY PREFERENCES] - I prefer partners to be over 18 due to the tendency of my writing containing mature content (sex, violence, drug references). - I've got many years of this hobby under my belt so I am particular about my partner being literate and able to keep pace with me in terms of post length and quality. I like colorful writing, but please don't spend an entire paragraph describing to me the exact hue and all comparable aspects of your character's eyes. - I usually attempt to reply within 24-48 hours of receiving a post, but sometimes I can only post once a week. I will do my best to keep you up to date on when to expect a response and I expect the same courtesy shown to me. If there is some reason you cannot respond in a certain time frame please bring it to my attention. This also applies if you are going to be leaving for an extended period or lose interest in the roleplay. I will show the same consideration to you. Be warned - I have no tolerance for rudeness. - I consider roleplay a collaborative writing process and fully encourage and anticipate active discussion between myself and my partner when it comes to plot details and story direction. I am willing to discuss/plot/chat via IMs. - Include your favorite color in your message when you PM me to indicate you read all details herein. - I use photographs for character reference, no illustrations or anime. Character sheets are not necessary, but sample posts may be requested. - I don't care for fade-to-black scenes but all written sexual content will be discussed beforehand to establish an agreeable comfort level. If you're uncomfortable with the very idea of writing sex then I don't recommend responding to this thread. - My personal minimum post limit is three to four paragraphs, though it is usually much more than that. I would like to have a partner in the same ballpark. - Don't control my characters without my permission first. [/hider] [color=A30000][b] * * * Just a heads up: THIS IS A VAMPIRE STORYLINE! I spent literally DAYS trying to iron out the details for something like this and it's still a really roughly pieced together plot, so I'm not expecting to get a lot of hits on it. However, I chose to post it in the hopes I might snare someone's interest. All points are open to discussion! * * * [/b][/color] [/center] [b]This story will include:[/b] Graphic content (sexual & violent, sometimes together) with a heavy emphasis on vice, a possibility for warped/bittersweet romance, adult language, dark themes, mid/long-term storytelling, in-depth collaboration & world-building, political and social elements, various supporting characters (preferably with both players). All content will take place in PM format. [b]What I would like from my partner:[/b] Someone comfortable with playing a dominate male character against a dominate female character. Character attributes and personality are at player's discretion. Being comfortable playing multiple side characters and contributing to the direction of the plot is also necessary. An ability to assist in developing the details of this very particular race of creatures. This RP will require a brief character sheet, of which I will supply examples upon inquiry. [u][b]This is a modern setting with the potential for a few historical flashback scenes. I will be playing Alayne (a Pureblood vampire) in this scenario, with my partner playing the role of another Pureblood vampire (male).[/b][/u] [hider=CONCEPT - WARNING! Lengthy (and a little convoluted) synopsis ahead!] Vampires are facing extinction. A race of creatures that were once considered the closest thing to immortal now perch precariously on the edge of oblivion. While their numbers are many they can easily be snuffed out, for their lives hinge on the continued existence of the last remaining Purebloods. The majority of vampires in modern times are products of being Turned, infected with blood that contains the vampire strain. However, reverence and obedience is shown only to those not bitten, but [i]born[/i]. These few are known as Purebloods, a withering lineage of those who have inherited the vampire gene from their ancestors. This race has existed alongside humans for centuries, adapting as their numbers grew and, eventually, developing a carefully governed network of Covens the world over. All elements of their world operate as a shadow society to that of humans. The Primary Covens are presided over by the eldest of the race, many of whom are Purebloods. There are now only thirteen remaining Living Purebloods in the world, and only two vampires exist that originated from the First Generation (one Living, one Awakened). Alayne Ravenwood is among those treasured vestiges of Living Pureblood vampires and, since her mother's very recent and unexpected First Death, the last remaining hope for the continued existence of her kind. The Council has been summoned to convene and determine the best course of action for survival. Alayne, however, is already fully aware of what the outcome will be. Like her mother before her, she will be matched with whichever Pureblood male the Council deems the most virile. However, despite her over-two-hundred-year existence she is still very much a modern female, with little regard for belonging to any male and even less so for being used as a broodmare. Her displeasure at the impending matchmaking is only then aggravated when she comes to discover that the most highly regarded contender for her mate is the very male she'd once shared a brief affair with in her youth. An affair which did not end well. Will Alayne's independent nature prove destructive to the continued existence of her people, or will it be an inability to reconcile differences between former lovers? Additionally, outside of Alayne's personal struggle, Elders of the Council have been deliberating the possibility of creating offspring with humans, and experiments of a less than ethical nature have recently been implemented to test theories on the matter. If these tests prove fruitful will the race be saved or will the delicate social structure be compromised and crumble into chaos? [i][This is where our story begins.][/i] [hr] [u][b]NOTES:[/b][/u] [b][i]Purebloods:[/i][/b] The closest thing to vampire royalty. Purebloods differ from Turned in that they are not dead, or don't start out as such. They are born of a rare lineage, once human, that bonded with the "vampire" virus instead of being consumed by it. This caused a mutation that lead to enhanced senses, increased metabolism, faster regenerative properties, and an extended lifespan, among many more new abilities. However, there was the significant drawback of a severe iron deficiency (need/thirst for blood) and heightened photo-sensitivity (allergic to the sun). They are extremely long-lived and are gifted with advantages which those Turned do not inherit, with select few of the older generations believing they are an evolutionary form of humans. They have a greater tolerance for sunlight (though preventative measures like full coverage clothing, barrier creams, and eyewear must be utilized) and are considerably stronger than Turned. The most notable difference, however, is that Purebloods can breed like humans. Unfortunately their infant mortality rate is very high, especially for females. Another advantage that they display is the ability to die and reanimate (see [i]Awakened[/i]*). Pureblood vampires reach maturity at twenty-five and experience significantly slower - if not completely stagnant - aging at that time. Living Purebloods are susceptible to mortal injury, though it is usually only fatal if it results in extensive blood loss without the opportunity to feed for a prolonged period. Long-term starvation and wounds that damage the heart can also be fatal. [b][i]Awakened:[/i][/b] Purebloods who have died their "First Death". They are no longer able to reproduce sexually. They also have a greater need for rest and an increased Thirst, but otherwise act as themselves. Just less...alive. Reanimation is extremely arduous and painful and is impossible for Purebloods and Turned alike if the connection between brain and heart is severed. Awakened retain themselves after their death but sacrifice their greater tolerance for sunlight. [b][i]Turned:[/i][/b] Vampires created by virus transference in a human. They cannot sexually reproduce as Purebloods can, but can produce more vampires in infecting other humans. The virus is deadly and immensely painful, killing and reanimating its host. Humans that are physically weak or injured at the time of infection usually do not survive the transition. Turnings are not committed lightly and are maintained with strict rules and ceremony. Turned are considerably weaker than Purebloods in physical strength & stamina and cannot tolerate direct sunlight but still share the abilities of increased speed, senses, stealth, and hypnosis. Most Turned are no older than a century, and none of them are older than the youngest Pureblood. One advantage the Turned and Awakened have is that they are incredibly resilient to mortal injury, even more so than Purebloods. [b][i][u]***There are a lot more traits/weaknesses/strengths that I'm going to omit for now in favor of brevity but they can be discussed more via PM.***[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]Elders:[/i][/b] Oldest of the Pureblood vampires, and a title used for both Living and Awakened Purebloods. Due to Turned vampires still being so young in comparison to Purebloods none currently hold an Elder title. Elder is a title that is used formally in addressing one (ex: an Elder by the name John Doe would be addressed as Elder Doe, or Elder John Doe). The oldest known vampire is still living, he is known as High Elder Dominic Santori. [b][i]Council:[/i][/b] Comprised primarily of Elder Purebloods (both Living and Awakened), the last remaining Living Purebloods that are not Elders, with a select few Turned, all of which are Coven Masters of their respective districts. [b][i]First Generation (History):[/i][/b] Just as it sounds, the first to survive the infection and mutation. A plague that swept across part of the civilized world in the 14th century resulted in only a fraction of the infected population surviving. It would then become clear that these survivors did not completely rid themselves of the infection, but instead became its host. As more and more of them realized they were part of a larger collective of infected who exhibited similar changes - chief among them a taste for blood - it became harder to conceal themselves from the fearful and superstitious world around them. Those who lacked the ability to temper their Thirst soon created a significant rising death toll that drew attention and created discord. The situation was dire in these times, as those who refused to feed either wasted away or lost control and attacked humans like starving animals. When the starving finally did die it was only to realize that the virus was strong and stubborn enough to reanimate them, though now without the warmth of life in their bodies. As for those who were leaving trails of dead in their wake, it became clear a more permanent solution needed to be put into action. Any who could not maintain control and carelessly jeopardized the lives of other vampires were hunted and killed. This eventually led to upheaval and a silent war waged that resulted in significantly fewer of their kind left standing and bad blood between some of those who did survive. It was agreed that laws for their kind must be established to discourage repeat behavior, and so a Council was formed. As the centuries passed, however, their extended years and disregard for the fear of death gave little pause for some when it came to the murder of their brethren for personal and political gain. Females were almost never targeted, their numbers few and survival of the New Race dependent on the birth of the next generation. Females were also not included among the chairs of Council until the late 19th century, which even then was only allowed due to the tedious infighting which then lead to the permanent deaths of many previous Council members. Arriving into the 20th century their numbers had been greatly reduced, and with new advances in medical science the Council elected to conduct experiments for possible ways to aid procreation and stave off extinction. With this they discovered much more about the mutation in their blood than they had ever known before. The most promising information, however, was that their condition was transmittable to humans. Of course, there were drawbacks as well, as the virus required an especially strong host to survive the transition and killed the human body it inhabited. Oftentimes the regenerative properties did not activate after death, resulting in a rather somber revelation for the first round of experiments. Just the same, success was not far behind as was soon exhibited in the birth of the Nouveau Époque - a new generation of vampire that became known as Turned. [b][i]Covens:[/i][/b] Vampires operate in a complicated hierarchy and Primary Covens are almost always led by Purebloods. For non-primary Covens the task of Master is usually appointed to the eldest in their ranks. Coven Masters then appoint delegates to aid in governing vampires of their districts (cities). All vampires must be pledged to a Coven (usually the Coven that sired them) and abide by the laws of their brethren. If a vampire refuses to pledge or breaks any vampire laws they may be apprehended, tried, and sentenced according to the severity of their crimes. Vampires can rescind their pledge to one Coven if they choose to relocate and join another. Disputes and feuds between rival Covens is not uncommon, however killing a vampire is a punishable crime. Covens, and vampires in general, have a relatively small population when analyzed on a global scale. As such, Coven numbers typically depend on the size of the district/city they occupy. [b][i]Humans:[/i][/b] The vast majority are unaware of the existence of vampires. Fraternization is not outlawed but revealing the existence of their world to a human that is not approved for Turning is a death sentence for said human. Humans cannot consume vampire blood without risking a deadly infection. Unprotected sex with a human is also prohibited, as it can cause infection as well. Recent discoveries have lead to the hint of a possibility of being able to breed with human women without the infection immediately killing them, and so experiments have been initiated in secret to isolate necessary components for a successful crossbreeding. (Yes, this does mean that human women are being held captive and experimented upon against their will. This could be sensitive material if we opt to go into detail but it can also be "glossed over" if such subjects are uncomfortable. It's worth noting that methods used would be insemination and not forced intercourse.) [b][i]Inclusion of other supernatural beings:[/i][/b] Open to discussion. [/hider] PM me if you're interested, details are up to negotiation, plot points welcome! Please avoid responding to this thread because I don't keep track of them well.