Twisting her body round in mid-fall Streak brought her uninjured foot into line with the Parademon's groin, which has already proven to be a weak point in the species natural body armour. Falling with the full force of her body weight Streak landed with 24,000 Newtons of force, applied directly to her opponent's testes. With a deep, mournful cry the Parademon curled up on the floor as Streak vaulted clear, only to be struck from behind by sa burst of energy, which threw her face first into the ground. [hr][indent][indent]Streak basic attack (meteor drop), followed by Parademon #3's [color=red]Energy Blast[/color]. [indent][b][color=gold]Streak - 12[/color] [color=red]Parademon #2 - 10[/color] [color=red]Parademon #3 - 12[/color][/b][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr][indent][indent][indent]Post Count : 5[/indent][/indent][/indent]