[quote][color=ed1c24][b]PARTNER FOUND - CLOSED![/b][/color][/quote] Hi, I'm Kaida. I was on here before guildfall, and I've got plenty of RP experience under my belt, though that doesn't mean I'm a legendary writer. More like I'm still looking to improve and learn from better writers than I. So! Let's get to the meat and potatoes of this thing. [u][b]Basic/hella rough plot idea:[/b][/u] The future. Contact has been made with alien species, and humanity itself has established colonies across Sol and beyond. The Confederation of Man exists as the governing body for Earth and all human colonies, and is in the midst of negotiating agreements and possible alliances with representatives of other races. The powerful, pro-human paramilitary organization known as "Siren", originally a Confederation splinter group, opposes these negotiations, and begins to threaten "decisive action" should the talks continue. [color=f6989d][b]Character 1[/b][/color], a military prodigy, is the newest addition to a Confederation special forces squad, dedicated to the defense of mankind. Sent to a backwater planet to take care of Siren operatives, [color=f6989d][b]Character 1[/b][/color] is eager for action, but is instead relegated to a purely observational role at a command post while the rest of the squad assaults the operatives' base. During the assault, communication is severed, and the squad is presumed KIA. [color=f6989d][b]Character 1[/b][/color] is summoned by their superior officer and head of special forces, who tells them that they are now the acting CO of the squad, and must recruit four new members to replace the old. It is at the same time that negotiations with one alien race in particular succeed, leading to the beginning of a new cooperative venture where an alien soldier/operative, [color=8493ca][b]Character 2[/b][/color], is assigned to assist [color=f6989d][b]Character 1[/b][/color] in carrying out their assignment. [color=8493ca][b]Character 2[/b][/color]'s race just happens to be the one which mankind had a long and bloody war with upon first contact, resulting in heavy losses on both sides. During the course of this assignment, [color=f6989d][b]Character 1[/b][/color] eventually discovers that not only are their old squadmates still alive, but that they are now working for Siren. In addition, [color=8493ca][b]Character 2[/b][/color] has been given orders by their government to discreetly collect information on humanity, and the human military in particular. [b][u]Inspiration/based on aspects of:[/u][/b] - Mass Effect - Star Wars: The Old Republic [b][u]Rules and expectations:[/u][/b] - This will be done over PM. - Post at least two paragraphs of a high casual-advanced quality. - I'm female, but I can play either role and either gender. Doesn't matter to me. - No limits as far as gore, swearing and romance-y things go, but romance is gonna have to take a backseat to the main storyline. - As you might have noticed, the plot's real rough (and probably has loopholes idk), so someone who can help brainstorm, world-build and throw in exciting plot twists would be shiny and chrome (and if you got that reference, more power to ya). [u]Nothing about the plot is set in stone.[/u] - Let me know if you lose interest/are busy/have writer's block. - Be friendly OOC! Love makes the world go round, as they say. - PM me if you're interested. [u]Don't post here, because I likely won't be checking in so often.[/u] I'll probably only be accepting one or (maximum!) two partners for this. And that's about it, ladies n' gents.