Aedan watched Triton leave with a disheartened expression. "Bollocks." He said miserably. "And I was so looking forward to surviving this battle." Still, at least he had Thomas. [i]Yes, at least I have a blood sucking creature of unfathomable horrors at my side.[/i] That cheery thought made a small smile tug at Aedan's mouth and he faced Thomas as the vampire offered the opportunity of food. With his stomach growling eagerly he could hardly resist agreeing almost instantly. Almost instantly. There was one small lingering image that he just couldn't shake no matter how tempt- Damn but he was hungry. "When you say 'mate' you don't mean 'appetizer' right?" Aedan asked nervously as he practically trembled with excitement. "Actually for the price of a warm meal, or any meal, or a biscuit at this point, I'll just go with whatever. Now where to from here?" He asked casting about for some place looking even remotely like it would contain the unearthly pleasures of food, even biscuits would do and they were rubbish. Using the clues and deduction abilities available to him Aedan did indeed quickly find the location of what would soon be his haven from the nightmarish void of hunger. For the last few weeks he had pretty much been entirely sustained by whatever he could steal from a vending machine. Although there was one curiously rapey man that had given him a plate of bangers and mash from his caravan at some point. That had ended in an explosion that, unlike the earlier bus trip, had been entirely Aedan's fault. He still wasn't sure what was in sausages but he was certain that knowing would make everything a hell of a lot worse. Following the trail of students walking away with food in their arms, as well as a large sign that read 'CAFETERIA' Aedan soon arrived in the midst of what looked like a really pleasant place to be. Practically salivating at this point, Aedan hurried over to the counter and waited in line for his turn to just about pile everything possible onto a plate. "I heard a rumour once about sitting was best done eating." Aedan paused as he spoke to Thomas. "I actually might have that backwards but the point reamains. Where do we eat? I don't like some of the looks these cretins are giving my plate."