[color=ed1c24]Dystopian Galaxy[/color] It is the year 2868. Humanity has expanded its vast empire beyond the stars and made contact with alien species. Some went well, some did not. Most friendly races were accepted into the United Earth Government, the organisation that controlled pretty much everything. Life was relatively peaceful. But, with so many planets to look after, some were forgotten by the UEG. And one of those planets is Pessimum, a hive of criminals and pirates, where our story begins... Welcome to Dystopian Galaxy! This RP is pretty much the place to go if you've always wanted to be a space pirate or mercenary! No need to apply, just jump in and play! There are hundreds of planets to create, ships to name and design, weapons and vehicles to model, races to think of and your own unique character! There are infinite possibilities, and the only limits are you imagination! CHARACTERS In order: Name: Titles (Optional): Age: Gender: Race: Religion (If applicable): Appearance (Photos can be used): History: Personality: Skills: Weapons (If any): Quote (Optional): RULES 1) Swearing is acceptable, as long as it stays moderate. No porn or adult content allowed. 2) No god-modding. Do NOT make you character too overpowered. 3) The RP has numerous races, so magic-using characters are allowed. 4) No sexual races. Do not make a species that is pretty much a giant penis with legs.