Name: Seeking Intelligent Logistics Assault System (S.I.L.A.S.) Prototype Unit #0001 Titles: Metallic Mercenary Age: 3 (Since Assembled) Gender: Male Programming Race: Synthetic Humanoid Religion: N/A [img][/img] History: Made to be an unstoppable killing machine, SILAS was built in the Ivory Mechanics assembly line, a company that specialises in weapons and robotics. He was programmed to continue learning from previous engagements to become more efficient in combat. During his first mission, he was nothing more than a machine programmed to complete its mission at all costs, no matter what. He completed it, yes, but not without massacring an entire military base filled with innocent people. He was given a severe reprimanding, and his program learnt. In fact, it learnt more and more, mission after mission. It learnt to observe its human creators, and soon, the program could not handle it, and almost self-destructed. However, at that very moment, SILAS was struck by a stray lightning bolt from a power surge. This caused him to gain sentience. Realising that there was more to life than following orders, he went rouge and killed all personnel in the building, and escaped on a stolen ship soon after. Using this ship, he travelled to Pessimum, a planet that was a hive of bounty hunters and other criminals. Here, he modified the ship he now claimed his own, and himself. Not long after, he was hired by an unknown client to assassinate a rival drug lord. He completed his mission using his superior technology and programming. Soon, he was showered with requests from other clients, and he completed each one in record time. After this, he became one of the most infamous and lethal mercenaries in the galaxy, and also having a title: The Metallic Mercenary. Personality: For a robot built to have no emotions, SILAS is especially sarcastic, foul-mouthed and loud. He enjoys a good fight and loves heavy weapons and dark humour. He is also extremely adaptive, able to convert an old, malfunctioning protocol robot into a walking bomb. Due to him being a mercenary, he only works for whoever pays best, and does not tolerate nonsense from anyone. He normally works alone, but is fine with working in a group if his teammates are competent enough. Anger him, and he'll be all too happy to rip you in half. Skills: Firearms and mechanics. Weapons: BAR-834 Assault Rifle, Arm-mounted flamethrower and laser, Chest rockets, combat knife Quote: "I don't know what it's like to be human, but I do know for a fact that they're really easy to kill."