(NPC) Name: Craig Ne'Tagla Race: Altenian Age: 36 (In Earth Standard Years) Gender: Male Rank: T-4 Appearance: Craig is born of a subspecies of Altenians that are from the underground and resemble a cross between a firefly without wings and a human. He stands at close to 7 feet tall and weighs more than he looks due to his exoskeleton, close to 300 lbs. [img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w33/Jennifer_Paul_Gibson/kepheraRace_zpsinhrb5hy.gif[/img] Possessions: Standard GNC provided items and a large board sword of his worlds making that he wears on his back. Skills/Abilities: Strong Telekinesis, sword fighting, combat, GNC Security & Tower Procedures, Speaks Altenian, basic Brax'Na, GNC Common Personality: Craig can come across as stern but for the most part is he rather laid back and pron to teasing those around him. It is hard to break him from his jovial manner, even when confronted by those with less pleasant personalities. Crystal: Being a lower rank than a T-1 he does not have any personal crystals but does know how to utilize all warm tones History: Craigs background is pretty uneventful. Born and raised by a loving family that still resides in the large underground colony of his birth. His Talents presented themselves when he was 16 and he joined GNC, training in warfare and combat. Despite his joyful personality he rose in the ranks quickly and became one of the youngest Heads of Security in GNC history at just 18 years of age when he was assigned to his home planet. This was rare but due to his appearance the GNC felt it was best to place him in a Tower that would be used to such oddities. Craig did not complain, happy to return home and be able to stay in close contact with his mother and father. He works hard and keeps an eye out for the Altenians. He is usually the buffer between the Tower when issues arise, especially with the Brax'Na. His current boss Tower Lead Tristan is happy to let him do this work, which is normally meant for the Tower lead.