[quote=@Pathfinder] What is the selling system like? If we were to all get a varmint rifle mod from the quest, some of us wouldn't be able to use it or wouldn't want to. Do you have a system for people of different charisma/barter levels to do the selling thing? [/quote] Well, I've made this RP light of the mechanics because I don't know about you, but I can't be bothered with all that. So when it comes to the buying and selling of things, we could do it one of two ways. A player asks me if the trader has a certain item, and in which case, I'd boot up the game and go and see, and report back with the costs. The second and easier method would be just to keep it freeform, within reason. Now, characters with barter and high charisma, are naturally going to be able to argue their way into better bargains, or maybe even access items the trader aint selling to anyone else. The bottom line with the above method, is just to not take the piss. In any case, I'm sure we'll be fine. EDIT: Mmmmmm, ya got me thinking about this whole buying/selling thing now. Thinking of a way to have it function, maybe if I just put up a list of the trader's goods for each area we go to? With associated costs? Selling is a little different though, because I'd have to find out the sell price of each individual item the characters are carrying. Bear with me. [quote=@FancyTomato] I mentioned this before, but you didn't reply, so I guess you didn't see this, but will we be allowed to use items from the DLCs at all? [/quote] My bad. Of course, I imagine if the RP goes that far (hahahahaa), we'll even visit the DLC places in question.