Name: Zachary "Mad Zach" Silver. Age:28 Class: Cadian Kasrkin Equipment (Guns,armor,grenades/etc) - Hotshot Lasgun - 4 Charge Packs for Hotshot Lasgun - Chain sword - 3 Frag Grenades - Environmentally-sealed Storm Trooper Carapace Armour with Helmet - Backpack Power Generator - Rucksack - Basic Toolkit - Combat drugs. Mainly illegal ones that do not meet the standards and cause addiction along with unforeseeable behaviour. The drugs are mainly focused on nulling the pain, enhancing reflexes and increasing physical strength, in some cases with the cost of his ability to tell a friend from foe for a short time. - Automatic drug injector system built in the armor. - Anti-drug system to cleanse his body from the effects of his combat drugs. The system automatically detects and dispells the Combat Drugs from his systems unless he does so manually after 30 minutes of the injection. Notable Deeds: -Suicide survivor. Has been sent to multiple missions as decoy or a meatshield along with a squad of others, has always returned alive but alone. -Lone Wolf. He's often found wandering apart from the group, mainly because he is sure that they won't be around for too long. He's bad at taking orders and even worse at giving them. What makes this notable is that as mentioned above, he's usually the only one alive, and there's not a single record of him running for his life to survive. -Warboss slayer. On a witnessed occasion, upon losing his lasgun in a raid to Orkish base took down an ork warboss in melee combat with the help off six guardsmen, once again being the only survivor from that squad and encounter. Later intel has revealed that the warboss wasn't even supposed to be there. -Close quarter specialist. Because of the above, there are only few that would like to see him drop his weapon and charging at them to have a friendly chat between them and the boys. -Being rejected by the Chapter twice from becoming a Space Marine. -Marine Hater. Because of the above, he holds a crudge against Marines. He won't usually go as far as to kill them, but if he has a chance to leave them to certain death, he will take it and walk away with a smile. Time with Inquisitor: Barely even remembers his name. Maybe a month. Appearance: Outside his armor Zach is a crude sight. He has been fixed up multiple times, his left eye has been replaced as well as his jaw, there's no more hair on his head, instead therre are burnmarks and scars. His left foot and seven fingers have been replaced as well, and his internals have been replaced with biotics as well. What once might have been quite a handsome man, is now just bruised husk. 40K Knowledge Question: Who turned Horus to Chaos? I can't recall, Abaddon?